Weekend engagement 200: An insecurity that has modified my personality

Reading has always been my passion, since I was a child I was fascinated by immersing myself in the pages of books and in this way discovering everything that surrounds me, each fascinating fact, each new concept that I managed to understand became a spark that ignited my enthusiasm, sharing This new knowledge was a natural need, so he used to share everything he learned with family and friends.

However, I recognize that my passion for sharing can lead me to talk too much, my enthusiasm sometimes overflows and words flow uncontrollably, threatening to overwhelm those close to me, I am aware of this and constantly strive to control my verbosity, I appreciate the sincerity of those who let me know, as it helps me to be more aware of my impact on others.

However, being silenced when I share something I am passionate about has a profound impact on me, it discourages me, makes me feel self-conscious and leads me to rethink sharing my interests with others, perhaps without realizing it this has changed my personality throughout of the years.

I feel that before I was more expressive and communicative, I did not hesitate to share my ideas and opinions, even on topics that I was passionate about, now, I tend to be more reserved in conversations, avoiding going into details or expressing my emotions too intensely, when I generally socialize I take refuge in superficial topics for fear of being judged or worse, being silenced again.

Being silent has become a source of insecurity for me, a barrier that prevents me from connecting with others in a more authentic way, it is revealing to think that a simple act like being silenced has so impacted my way of communicating, it has made me more introverted and more afraid of expressing my true self, however this reflection has also given me the opportunity to become aware of this problem and look for solutions.

I don't want to give up my passion for sharing knowledge, I want to find the balance to do it in a way that is respectful of others, without suppressing my enthusiasm or feeling self-conscious, analyzing my way of socializing has been a difficult path, but I am sure that With time and dedication I will find the right balance.

¡Thank you for reading!

¡Until next time!

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