Weekend engagement 163: A personal fitness trainer.

Hello friends, happy Sunday, I hope you all had a great weekend, mine was quite good, I went to a birthday party where I had a really good time, anyway, returning to the topic of the post today I come to leave you my contribution to this weekend's Weekend-Engagement, the theme I chose to develop was "A personal fitness trainer", I hope you like my contribution, without further ado I will begin to explain why I chose it.

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I would definitely choose a personal trainer, I need to lose a little weight and the truth is that I have not dared to do it, I suppose that having someone's pressure would make me feel obligated to exercise, I have always wanted to have a personal trainer, it is something that I feel would be ideal for me is that, I have tried several times to exercise on my own and it did not last more than a couple of weeks, if perhaps some days, I have an elliptical machine at home and I have used it very little to be honest, I am a little embarrassed to admit it but I need someone in my life to motivate me exercise.

Throughout my childhood and adolescence I never thought I needed to exercise, I was a skinny boy and I really liked being like that, but about two years ago I started cooking a lot, I love cooking and my food posts on hive were well voted, that made me start cooking like crazy, I made many different dishes and I really loved eating them, it was right there when I started to gain weight.

I'm a bit paunchy to be honest, I don't like it but it is what it is and I don't feel like I'm capable of losing weight on my own, this last year I've reduced my weight a bit but it's been due to diet, drinking a lot of water and cooking a lot in the air fryer, I've also reduced my sugar intake a lot, although I don't eat sweets, the only sweet I drink is coffee and I do it with very little sugar because I hate sweet coffee.

Anyway, going back to the main topic of the post, a personal trainer would be special for me, it would make me commit to lose weight and I suppose that by following a routine and practicing regularly I could achieve that goal of reducing my weight, now without anything else to add I say goodbye, thanks for stopping by, see you next weekend, see you next time!

¡Thank you for reading!

¡Until next time!

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