Its a splendid weekend again, thanks to @galenkp for this beautiful topic and also happy three years anniversary to your community, I wish you many more years to come!

Love is the greatest feeling everyone should have, if you have the spirit of love, then it is certain that anything else can follow. I personally believe in love so much because without it we can’t be able to do anything, even if sometimes I get irritated by characters of someone or something, there is still a part of me that loves the person, without love there wouldn’t be form of anything. Even though I’ve been hurt in so many ways and so many times I still find myself giving out the love I have within me, because I believe love rules the world.


If love was disregarded then i believe there wouldn’t be any form of giving, respect, understanding, patience and so on.
Ever heard of a saying that Respect is reciprocal? Yes it definitely is, and it should be given to anyone whether young or old, when you respect someone you also get respected, you cannot give out disrespect and expect to be respected, that’s quite impossible. Even if you’re the wealthiest man on earth, if you do not respect people in terms of opinion and what they hold dearly, you can’t also get respected genuinely. I live my life with respect, because no one knows what tomorrow holds.

It could be that the person I looked down upon and disrespected today would be the person in place of helping out tomorrow. I love to respect people and things, be it living or non living, because it is also a sign of love and when we love someone or something, we tend to treat them well and more better.

And when it comes to Understanding I literally try to put myself in other people’s shoes, I love to hear from the other side, and try my possible best not judge people or discriminate without a fair hearing. This character is one I tend to emulate because you never can tell when you find yourself in a situation and no one tends to understand you or hear your own side of the story. I believe in receiving what we give out, if I fail to understand people and some certain situations just to disregard or discriminate others, then definitely karma is waiting for me.

I know I’m only human and not perfect but I try my best to live, love, respect and understand people in the best way.


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