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Walk with hope - The panoramic splash that should be



Hello hiveans !

when the sun goes down, i feel scared when i am in the forest alone, the bright light continues to darken the atmosphere. I go on a mountain bike, I use a bicycle to speed up my journey. I didn't think about riding a motorbike, instead I chose a bike to walk around while enjoying the fresh air and a number of mountain views and other beauties. Maybe I'm a bit late starting this trip, and I don't like to walk early because the day is quite hot, so I choose to walk later in the afternoon.

The sky is bright orange, giving a bright light on my journey, my feet continue to pedal leisurely. Not long after, I took shelter in a shady tree, many bird's nests, and a mother bird with a sweet voice. Unexpectedly, I saw many piles of mushrooms that grew once they bloomed on the tree branches. I decided to take some photos of it.

This group of mushrooms is very fresh and beautiful, they grow naturally in a cool environment. This weekend it rains often throughout the day, a lot of biodiversity appears on the surface of the earth, greenery continues to increase every day during the rainy season.

These are some of the mushrooms that thrive after it rains. The leaves are falling, the bushes on the neck of the mountain are scattered and the roadside is filled with leaves that are scattered everywhere. I took a can of coke and hensfree listening to music while resting there, not long after I was also traveling again leisurely.


I really enjoyed the scenery and the biodiversity there, it's an island in the middle of the countryside side by side with mountains and nice people. When summer, many people vacation and spend a lot of time there, as we know, the place has become a natural tourist attraction, fresh air is always felt.

I feel calmer, walking on a bicycle as a natural remedy, my leg muscles can improve blood circulation, a healthy lifestyle is always maintained. Spending time taking a walk can help your mind free from all the things and work factors that pile up.


On certain days when work is off with staff and other employees, I always make time for walks with sports styles, such as leisurely walks, cycling is a routine job when I injured my knee a few years ago. Weekends with exercise are my hobby.