Weekend That Started With a Loss

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Hello Hive friends and readers. It's Monday and I'm going to play back some of my experiences this past weekend. I'll start with part of my work day Friday and end it with Sunday.


If you read my last weekend experience than you will soon see this one won't be too strenuous. My work day was pretty slow on Friday. The major task completed was we built up two aircraft pallets that each contained a C-17 60 ton tri-pod jack. It was shortly after lunch when we started this task. The jacks were used to fix the nose landing gear on a plane that came in to us last weekend. It was a cold day as it felt like -2 F (-16 C) with the wind chill. We spent about 30 minutes doing this. Four of us did this task, two assigned to each pallet.

After they were built we loaded them onto the aircraft with 10K AT forklift. Easy load, it may have taken us about 10 minutes to do. We found out a bit later the aircraft had other issues but fornately they were resolved and it departed before our normal work day came to an end.

On my drive home my son called me and let me know he had to be at the school by 5:30 p.m.for his game. The game was a home basketball playoff game. I had a few words of encouragement for him and wished him luck. I dropped him off and went back home to eat something for dinner. I had time since the game didn't start until 7:00 p.m.

I made it back to the school to catch them warming up. I can't tell you how proud of this kid I am. He's the heart and soul of the team. The pre game involves them announcing the starters. It's always a pleasure hearing his name followed by roar of the small crowd in attendance.

It's tip off time and my son's impact was very noticeable right away. He hit two 3 pointers, had 3 assists and a rebound to end the 1st quarter with his team up 20-10.

Source that clips came from

Early second quarter he cut to the basket and had to stop quickly to catch a fast pass from teammate. In the process he rolled his left ankle. He hobbled off and then went to trainers room shortly after. He came back out with a few minutes left in 2nd quarter. He was walking back and forth behind the bench to try to work out the ankle. He did not go back in and after the quarter the teams wents to locker room at halftime. Score at halftime was in favor for us, 33-26.

I left my spot and went across the court behind our bench. I wanted to catch my son when he came back to the court. I did meet up with him and he told me right away that he's probably not playing in 2nd half. Even though his ankle was wrapped you could noticably see that it had ballooned up.

I could feel that he really wanted to get back on the court. I really felt sad for him and his other teammates because this could be the last game of the season if they don't win. Once I got back to my original seat I was asked by other players parents about the situation. When I told them they had a look of discern.

Well with him or not the game must be played. The third quarter we played a much slower offense. It was a very messy quarter of turn overs by both teams. At the end of third quarter we still had the lead 43-37.

The start of the 4th quarter was a lot of back and forth. I don't recall exactly when but the other team tied the game. Once that happened we never took more than a small lead. With a minute left in the game they had a three point lead. We cut it down to 1 but it was back to 3 again the next procession. We lost the game 57-54. I felt bad for the team. I just know my son did to because all he could do is cheer and watch.

Image credit

After the game a lot of parents came up to me. Most told me to tell my son he had a good season. A few told me we would have won convincely had he not got injured. Once he came out from the locker room. I told him close game, good season and next year your team will go further. They bring mostly everybody back with the exception of one starter. He was greeted by a slough of people who said mostly the same things that was said to me previously.

Just so you all know he's doing fine and his ankle swelling is going down. He has AAU tryouts this Saturday. I'm sure he will be ready to go for them. Kids heal up so much faster than we do.

We get home and my son goes to room to continue to ice his ankle. I go to living room to watch the video of the game since they provided a recording of the live feed. I just wanted to see what the commenters had to say. They did mention my son's name a few times after his injury.

They even had an interview with the opposing coach. He mentioned my son as well and wished that he was ok. It was nice hearing that. I'm sure both the commenters and opposing coach knew the outcome would have been different if he would have not got injured. I personally think they would have blowed them out. Anyways you can't win them all and you need to lose to get better.

Saturday & Sunday

I really didn't do to much the rest of the weekend except do some driving for Door Dash. Saturday morning I worked a little bit on composing an article for here. Also had some chores to do around the house. Here's my driving stats derived from my Door Dash App for Saturday, nothing too impressive:

Came home to eat dinner, watched a little television, and almost finished up the article I was previously working on. I went to bed fairly early, like I usually do :)

Sunday I got up really early like at 2:30 a.m. I don't know why but sometimes I do that. I spent sometime finishing my article and got it published. I also read quite a few articles. I than went door dashing, here are my stats from my door dash app:

I didn't door dash for long because my son called me and told me he had a basketball team meeting at 1:00 p.m. I hung around the area thinking it wouldn't be long. He called me at about 2:30 and we got some Kentucky Fried Chicken for a late lunch.

Once we got home and finished eating I was starting to feel tired. I watched a little television than went to take a nap. Something that is really rare for me btw :) I woke up around 7:00 and watched a little of the Lakers and Mavericks NBA game. I drifted away watching it so I just went to bed for good at 8:00 p.m. Weekend over!!

Thanks for reading and hope to give you some more weekend experiences in the future. What will the next one hold? Hopefully a weekend to remember :) Take care and be safe :)

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