Colors enhance beauty and expression- Wk 191

Hello everyone! I hope you're all having a fantastic weekend.

Colors and numbers have a way of capturing our hearts, don't they? It's almost as if they become a part of who we are. When I was a child, I fell in love with pink. It was and still is every little girl's favorite color. When I found out that I was carrying a baby girl, I went all out and bought everything in pink. From her bedsheets and plates to her spoon and water bottle, everything was pink. It was as if my baby girl was wrapped in a cozy blanket of pink.

My pink baby

As I grew older, I found more colors that made me feel alive. Pink still held a special place in my heart, but I also fell in love with black, navy blue, and blue. These colors made me stand out, and whenever I wore them, I felt a sense of confidence and power. I remember dreaming of an all-black wedding. It was a bold move, but I knew it would be unforgettable. My husband, however, thought I was crazy and not ready to get married yet.

When I attend events and see people wearing these colors, I can't help but feel a sense of connection. It's almost as if we're part of some exclusive club. If you don't have a black or blue dress in your wardrobe, you're missing out on something big. Black is elegant and sophisticated. It has a way of making people stand out in any event. So go ahead, wear your favorite color, and let it become a part of who you are.

All images used are mine
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