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Weekend Waterfall Fishing

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to share some fun times the little man and I had while being outside!


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Weekend Waterfall Fishing

One of the fun things about going on our adventures, is that we are usually prepared for all kinds of different things, no matter where we are! This has been a lot of fun for both me as well as the little man.

We recently had to go to visit a friend that had surgery and my wife was a good dubie and she made her a bunch of different meals so that she wouldn't have to put in a lot of effort to eat for a few days. It was a really nice gesture and I'm glad to have been a part of that! What we did though was bring the stuff up to the door and drop my wife off so that she could spend a few hours there cooking and providing her some company. With the surgery she had, we wanted to minimize some of the contact that she got from others so that she wouldn't get sick which is a pretty good idea, and we did our part by doing some prep and help work ahead of time.


With the food and wife delivered though, the little man and I had a few hours to spare so we did what we do best in the summertime when it's not raining: we go fishing! There was a place nearby that we decided looked like a pretty good spot and it was in a nice area, so we figured let's give it a try. It was a small area in all manner of things but it was still a pretty beautiful spot to be!

What we didn't expect though, was that it would look as cool as it did! We usually go for places that are narrowing out at the end, usually a bridge or a waterfall or something, so that we can have a decent space to go about walking around and trying to catch something. This place was no different, looking at it on the map it was a small pond that funneled down to this waterfall and a small bridge. That's usually our go-to physical configuration and it was another winner!


There was sadly some trash in the bottom of the waterfall but it didn't take away too much from the beauty of it. It was also one of the coolest waterfalls I've experienced because the water immediately before the waterfall was intentionally quite shallow! They flattened it all out so that people could walk in the area and it provided a fairly decent spot for fish to gather and spawn. I was really excited to see that! We spent a few minutes walking around it and exploring, checking out the various little areas on both sides of it before we decided to focus our attention on the space where we parked the car. This was the nicest part of it, because it was also shallow and easy to walk around in with the waders. If you know me, there's always a good excuse to use the waders! Lol


It was also finally a weekend day that didn't have some fucking rain in it! We've had so much rain here lately, I began to feel that we were just going to wash away down the river and right out into the ocean lol. It's a bit of a good thing to have.. because other areas aren't getting as much rain and we are filling up the reservoirs nicely which is also a great benefit for the rivers, streams and local ecology. At the same time though, it presents challenges with the destruction of crops earlier than normal and a few other things.

In all though, back to the important piece of fishing and enjoying ourselves, the little man did great and he ended up catching a number of fish, decent sized sunfish but it was still a fruitful adventure. Any time where we go fishing and the little man can get a few catches even if they are tiny fish, he's happy and that makes me happy in the end. I certainly enjoy catching the bigger things like bass but even reeling in a sunfish or two is entertaining for the brief fight they provide.


It was quite a nice few hours with my little buddy and we were able to help out a friend, so all in all it was a nice way to spend a few hours on a Sunday.

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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