Pumpkin Smoke Bombs

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to share some pictures from the recent photoshoot that we took for the smoke bomb idea my wife got a few years ago!


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Pumpkin Smoke Bombs

The smoke bomb photoshoot we did a few years ago was awesome, we got so many incredible shots from it! Sadly we didn't get a chance to do it last year which was a bummer but we made sure to do it this year! We had a lot of fun doing this last Sunday when I happened to be cleaning and found the bombs that I thought we threw away! We combined that with the one box that we bought and got a LOT of smoke hahaha.

The smoke bombs are such a cool idea because they are an inexpensive way to make some pretty dramatic effects on specific things. For me, this was a really fun way to take some pictures and try to capture a lot of different elements of the bombs! I took easily 400 photos during the session hahaha I don't have all of them downloaded yet but here are a few of them!


This one is kind of funny, it really gives you a shocked look to it, with the smoke going mostly straight upwards. The thing that was really tricky was dealing with the wind during all of this. We obviously couldn't control the wind so we were just taking pictures rapid fire and every split second things were changing. Some pictures looked like crap and others came out pretty cool like this one lol


What was really cool was seeing how the different colors were captured! We certainly love the variety that came with the smoke bombs. There was yellow, white, green, orange, black and purple. The green ones are one of my favorites because you can see the colors very distinctly! I also have a bit of a preference for green, though I wouldn't say I have a "favorite" color but I do love my greens!


One of the things that was really cool was seeing how I could capture the crazy different things the smoke was doing as it was coming out of the various areas. The smoke would poke out of one of the eye holes more than the other such as it is here, or it would come out the mouth or even a little bit of a mixture of all of them. It was pretty cool to see how things were changing so rapidly! We had a decent bit of wind that day but the pressure changes that occur with that were pretty cool in how it changed things around.


My wife's favorite was when she was mixing some of the colors. I think she mixed purple with white here and it produced a pretty cool, tamed down version of purple! The smoke was all over the place that's for sure haha. We also learned that it differs depending on the size of the pumpkin that you're using. When we took the pictures a few years ago we used a gigantic pumpkin and that really wasn't the best because it was too big that all the smoke would get stuck inside of it. Using a smaller or medium sized pumpkin like this makes the smoke look a lot cooler! I think next year, or if we do it soon before the end of Halloween, we will try it with a pretty small pumpkin and see how dramatic it is then!


Overall this was wicked fun! I know that I'm going to go through the photos some more, I wasn't able to dedicate as much time to it as I wanted to for this one here but I will certainly be seeing what other ones I can peel out and post some next week!

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