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New England Autumn Color Hunting

Hi fellow Weekenders,

Today I'm here with some fun that we had while out looking for some of the New England colors!


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New England Autumn Color Hunting

New England is certainly known for it's beautiful and vibrant colors in the autumn time of the year. There are certainly lots of other places around the world that are beautiful around this time as well, but for whatever reason New England is the one that people love all across the world. In the past year or two, I think I've grown to understand and appreciate how lucky I am to have lived and grown up in this area my whole life to see these things that we consider normal things, but how others react when they see things such as this.

We were out one weekend day on the hunt for some beauty around, and ended up driving in all kinds of different areas looking for some good places to stop and look at some beautiful trees. What ended up being funny but slightly annoying was that the best place we ended up finding some accessible trees to hang out near, ended up being at one of the farms that we go to very often during the spring and summer, that wasn't that far from us! Lol


This farm is on the eastern part of New Hampshire and it's been one that we've enjoyed quite a bit over the last few years, as we stumbled upon it randomly one day when we were driving around looking for something to do. I think that's the story with how we find a lot of the places that we do, we drive around semi-aimlessly looking for something that appears to be interesting and then bam, we get a place like this that falls into our lap! Lol.


This particular farm is on the smaller side I would say, but they are more of a farm-store than a farm with tractors and all that. They make some great food and grow some pretty good veggies in those greenhouses but they've also got some nice farm animals in their area; some chickens, pigs and goats to be exact.


The farm also has quite a decent little piece of land that's got some good and cool looking things on them! These trees here I didn't realize they were maples but as you can see from the leaves, they are indeed a great variety of maple! The maple trees are usually the ones that have the beautiful bright oranges that you see a lot of times in photographs. What I think was cool was that there were a few beautiful maples to be able to walk to, that aren't gigantic to make it difficult to snap a few pictures of lol


We spent 30 or so minutes hanging out here, sitting underneath the trees, on the grass and just lounging around appreciating the colors and the nice warm autumn day that we got. There are lots of benches and stuff around and we were in between people coming over and having some lunch. I think one of the other things I like about the farm is that there are often a lot of people that hang out at it and enjoy a nice lunch or snack on the benches or picnic tables. Most of the farms are more industrial, which is fine, but it doesn't make for a decent spot to hang out!


I'm glad that we caught the trees when we did because we ended up getting a bunch of rain the four or five days after we were at the farm here and with that type of rain comes some wind, and that combination strips many of the trees of the leaves that are so tenuously clinging to the branches at this point. We might be driving back to the area soon and we will give the trees a look to see how much has happened in a little over a week since we ventured over there!


I think my favorite photo of them all has to be this one. Tractors are one of the things that I, like a man-child, enjoy more than I maybe should lol. Tractors are one of the machines that always amaze me but I've never been able to drive on one, or drive one myself. Perhaps one day I will get the chance to drive one around! In the meantime, I can take a few pictures of some beautiful autumn leaf colors with tractors in the background to satisfy a few different things at once!


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