Claiming Our Christmas Tree

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to reminisce about the beautiful Christmas tree and it's unfortunate demise LOL


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Claiming Our Christmas Tree

This post although full of love and fun, is about the tree that only lasted a few hours in our house LOL you can read this post here for the details!

Going past that sad bridge, let's continue on!

The day after Thanksgiving here in our house has always been the day that we go venture out and cut down our real Christmas tree. It's been that way since I can remember as a kid which is why I've tried to continue that tradition after I started dating and married my wife. We didn't get a real tree for a year or two in the beginning because we didn't have any of the supplies for it but we eventually got a decent tree stand and started to get the stuff ready to have a decent real tree.

Fast forward to this year and we found such a beautiful tree! It was perfect for sure so we knew that this one was definitely the tree for the year. The little man was being a good helper and helped me cut it down, he gave it the first few cuts!


We are a team though and he was there helping me get it cut since it became too difficult for those little arms of his. It wouldn't be a Christmas tree cutting season without someone wearing a Santa hat that's for sure! He had it taken care of for us and everyone we saw loved it lol.

One of the things that annoyed me a little bit is the place wouldn't let me use my saw-zall! I was pissed, I don't get to use that thing to cut many things these days and was looking forward to cutting down a tree with it lol but they said no saw's and we had to use a hand saw. It wasn't too bad because I picked out a nice sharp one but you can't get in my way of trying to use a tool!


We got the job done and I'm really glad that I picked a good saw. A number of years ago I think it was at this very same tree farm that we had accidentally picked a saw that had a pretty dull blade on it lol my dad was pissed it took way longer to cut the thing down than he wanted. With that memory in mind, I spent a few extra seconds sifting through the saws to make sure I got a nice one.

On the way out, we saw a guy who asked me about the saw he brought from home as well and I told him the unfortunate news but did give him my saw since I knew it was in great shape. Us dads have to stick together! Lol


What was funny was the tree was so big that it almost didn't fit through the tree netting machine! That would have definitely sucked because there is no way I was going to be able to secure that thing without the netting and drive home. We had to stick it on top of our little old car! I had to help the netting guys really jam that thing through. We took a good 7 or 8 minutes to get it passed all the way through lol it was wild.

My wife told me that the people behind us and others looking on were taking bets that it wasn't going to fit lol thankfully it did fit!


The little man was all too excited to try and drag the tree all by himself. He did a pretty good job I must say! He was able to drag it quite far once I got it onto flat terrain, getting it up hill was tough for the both of us but was a lot easier once it flattened out. He dragged it by himself for about 35 feet which shocked me, he's one strong little dude! Lol


What was tough was getting it onto the car! The thing is pretty dense and was heavier than I thought it was going to be lol so I had to do most of the lifting to get it on the car. My wife did help but I didn't want her to get hurt as she doesn't lift things much these days until she starts to feel better so I was trying to do it as safely as I could. Thinking back on it I know if I couldn't get it up I could've gotten one of the teenagers doing the netting to help, they were a great help and wouldn't have minded earning another 5$ to help us on this part too lol.

What was tough at this point is it started to rain a bit! It was fine because it wasn't pouring rain out but it's never fun when you're doing this stuff in the rain. I don't mind the snow but the rain is challenging to deal with since I'm trying to get the thing secure on the car without rushing.


So we got the tree all the way up and into the house and yeah! It looked way bigger than we thought lol it might have been the fattest Christmas tree we've had in our house! It was a perfect height that's for sure. I loved the tree for so many different reasons it was unfortunate that it ended up having all kinds of spiders and critters inside it so it got tossed outside lol.


The little man was all too excited to get into the tree and start decorating! He didn't want to wait at all to do it and demanded as soon as we got home and got the tree into the stand that we get to decorating. I couldn't resist as I enjoy decorating too but I mostly enjoy watching him be so excited about these types of things so I don't mind letting him do that instead of watching TV or something stupid.


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