My Saturday Night Routine As A Pastor’s Wife. #weekend-engagement, week 205

I'm pleased to be a part of this week’s edition of the #weekend-engagement writing contest. It has always been a pleasure partaking in it. The topics of the exercise has always been a interesting. Interesting in the sense that it usually stirs up the mentality reasoning in us and make us assail in a mind and mental refining adventure.

This week’s topics are interesting. And may I invited you to try the #weekend-engagement if you haven't done so here

I chose to discuss on the fourth topic which says

What’s your favorite way to spend Saturday night and what makes it so?

In life, sometimes we find ourselves in a routine not because we so cherish it that way but because we have been destined to follow such. So, sometimes what we refer to our favorite is not just what gives us pleasure, it might be what we have to do to make our lives follow the desired course. Such is the case with the way I spend my Saturday night.

Having Sunday In Mind

Saturday night is the night prior to Sunday morning. Sunday morning, as we all know is very significant to those of us who are christians. On Sunday we will go to church. There are a number of activities lined up for me as the woman in the house to fulfill. I will have to sort out the dresses of the children. I will have to prepare for what the family will eat both in the morning and after church service. So I have to make plans for both the breakfast and the lunch of the family for the coming Sunday because we will be leaving for church very early on Sunday morning. There won't be time to prepare anything in the morning on Sunday since we must report in church very early.

Less Pleasure; Much Work

My Saturday night is usually filled with a lot of chores and work to do for Sunday church service preparation. There is usually no pleasure for me because of my responsibility of preparing my family for the Sunday outing. Oftentimes I got tired and worn out by the time I finished fixing the things I have to fix for the Sunday church outing.

Sunday Service, A Time For Show

There is something I have grown up to discover among my people in our culture and traditions. We look at Sunday church gatherings as a time to showcase yourself and your family. We spent time and money to make our going to church worthwhile. We seem to feel shameful if our children and other family members don't come out attractive while going to church. It seems as if going to church gatherings is the opportunity of showcasing our worth before others. This might not be a good motive but our culture and tradition make us live with such a mindset. Sometimes, as the mother, if any of the children look tattered, your husband will get offended because he will be thinking that others will mock his family.

So, friends, that is my Saturday routine. It might not be my favorite but it is what I will do and be sure it is done every Saturday night. Why it is so is because it is believed and expected that I must ensure that my family get to church well prepared and organized.

I'm glad you spare time to read my post and I will be very glad to see you visit my blog again. Thank you.

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