I’ve Come Along Way. #Weekend Engagement, Week 199

The story of my life is full of surprises both to myself and my foster parents. I myself would not have believed then I will get through school, leave the village, do other jobs than farming.

My beginning is not quite a lovely story to tell. I grew up with a family I thought were my parents not knowing that my biological mother had died while I was yet a baby. The truth was kept from me for many years. I got to know the truth from one of my brothers in 2014.

My life took another turn when I realized the truth. The courage to look for my life actualization came upon me. Though there was no one to support me, I strived to get an education. There was no such adventure in the family I lived with. Even in my biological family, no one had gone to school; I opened the way. I put myself through hard and tedious labour jobs to raise money for my education. I’m grateful, God help me to succeed. Getting an education is one major way I have improved myself in the last twenty years.

Then the strive to acquire a means of livelihood was the next to pursue. Remember, my journey has been just me and myself alone without anyone to really support me. My foster parents had left me alone since I decided to pursue the fulfillment of my life outside the village. The biological father I later come to know had nothing to sponsor my career life. So, I had to take the bull by the horns.

I left my village in Surulere Local Government in Oyo State and migrated to Ilorin in Kwara State all in Nigeria. Honestly, I had no way I was going but I just decided l must come out of the frustration of ending my life and destiny in the jungles of the village.

I moved from one house to another. Those who provided accomodation for me, I went in with them. At times when I couldn't see where to sleep, I slept in the church. Along the line, I met the pastor’s wife of the CAC church I was attending and asked to accept me as an apprentice in her leather bags industry. That was where I learnt leather bag making. I finished the training and was certified, then I opened my own workshop. My career life then began.

When I started my workshop, little income started coming in. The youth association of the church assisted in renting an apartment for me. It was while I was living there that a man approached me for marriage. This is my husband, The Pastor. We started our marriage journey. Two years after our marriage, we were able to acquire a land. Today we have raised a building in the plot of land and we are presently living in our personal house.

Life was not easy and rosy at the beginning but with the help of God, I have improved really much in the last two decades.

Thank you for your time in reading through my story. Please do check back on my blog next time

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