Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 172


Would you have sex for money to feed your family if they were starving? Answer and explain.

Capital NO

Seeing my family starving is really tempting more expecially when I don't have money to feed them. But, I can't have sex in other to feed my family because am strong and healthy. Instead of sleeping around to feed my family, I rather use that same time to go around to do even the most less privileged work to earn a living for my family.

If I should have sex today to feed my starving family will i still have sex tomorrow to feed them? Even if I should still do that tomorrow, I will be tired out as time goes on. The best thing to do to myself and my family is to eradicate hunger from my family by engaging myself with a little work or business. For example, poeple regards you when you are doing even daily job, I mean working in someone's garden to earn a daily bread than seeing you sleeping around to earn a living.

Apart from doing a farm to feed my family, the creator gave me a gift of mouth and the wisdom to speak, so, it's a great tool to earn money to feed my family. With my mouth, I can do a Multy Level marketing company which is what am doing currently now to feed my family. It's a business that I started with Zero naira just by telling poeple about my products and what my company has to offer, am earning a living for myself and my family.

When it comes for relationship and sex, men hardly have sex to feed their family. They dare not allow a woman to control them because of money. Amy woman they had sex with, they really want to do that not just because of money to feed their family unless the Man is hopeless, lazy, and useless.

But it's common in women that's why I chose this topic. So, I dare not sell myself because of feeding money. Because if I do, I lose my respect before the eyes of the Man that slept with me and my self respect too. The man I slept with today might likely tell his friends how he slept with me because of a token. And automatically, my respect is gone.

Many have lost their marriage because of that because men hates it when their women sleep's with another man no matter what. Not just marriage but relationships and friendships. Instead of having sex, I rather borrow money buy things on credit and letter work hard to pay back.

I can't be that lazy to have sex to feed my family because even my family won't be proud of me if it's what am doing to feed them. Some have ended up being used for money ritualist or contacted dangerous virus because of sex for money. All these experiences is common in my country, so, I dare not have sex for money to feed my starving family while just a day job can feed my family.

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