The favorite three person's in my life

Rank in order your three favourite people that are not family members and explain why. Remember to use your own photos.

I want you to follow me to appreciate these three souls that has impacted my life positively. Remember, they're not my family members but coming to know them has made me to succeed, financial, emotionally and mentally till date. The number one person is no other person than Mr Charles Okeke or @fokusnow.

Mr Charles and i in his Office

On October 2021, I came to know this honest hearted soul known as Charles. Then, i don't know anything about crypto nor mycro blogging. He thought me everything i needed to know about blogging without requesting for money. And guess what? I don't know him in person. All the lectures i received from him was online. He burned his data and time to educate me. He was carrying me and others along throughout my stay in web2. I was fortunate to meet him in person after one year. And last year, I visited him in his office for trainings and he encouraged me to take Hive seriously. I can proudly tell you that my story of success in the crypto space was pioneered by Mr Charles Okeke @fokusnow.

He brought me here on Hive, mentored me and up till date, he keeps updating me and others in his group on what to do both on Hive and other businesses that will yield profits. Knowing you has improved my financial status Charles @fokusnow. You are my favorite person.

I want you to follow me again to appreciate this young talented man Jedino Amos @amjedino. He is an inactive hiver for now.

Jedino and i in Uyo Plaza

I met Jedino in 2022. That day, i was in a business promotion when he arrived with his friends. After the promotion, we all sat together for refreshments. During that time, Jedino told me about an app called Satoshi app. He got me registered and told me to continue mining the coin in that app. I wasn't taking serious because i thought it wasn't gonna yield any good results. As am talking to you now, that particular coin is trending over 1$ now. You can search about $Core in exchanges like Okx, ByBit, Mex, etc. it was mined free from Satoshi app. Up till date, i keep receiving legit crypto Airdrops from Jedino. I call him my Airdrop Boss hahahaha. He guide's me on any difficult tasks on any airdrop and makes sure i follow cash out 💰. He is and remains my favorite person.

Finally, here is the woman that vowed to become my friend even when i don't need anything friendship in my life. She broke that law of mine and we became friends.

Mrs Christiana Frank Williams and i. My only friend

Madam Cristy as i normally called her is my best friend. She helped me under go some emotional pains. She supported me in her words and otherwise. Glad i accepted to be her friend. She keeps secret and her way of reasoning is very matured one. She is the only friend i have and she is my favorite person.

When you meet with good people, they will help you to grow and they in turn becomes your favorite persons. Let's keep doing good 👍

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