I like dancing myself

Do you like or dislike dancing (dancing yourself). Explain either way. Remember to use your own

Dancing is pretty good for our healthy living. First, when you are dancing, you are happy. That's is to say that dancing enhances the heart and lungs. A dancer always looks fit and flexible. It strengthens ones muscles and bones. That means dancing helps in the reducing of osteoporosis. During dancing, a person's brain releases two important hormones according to the scientist. Those hormones are dopamine which serves as a natural mood booster and secondly endorphins known as a natural body painkiller. Apart from watching others on the stage dancing, i like dancing myself.

Though am not a good dancer, but i enjoy this exercise so much. Even in public places, when i hear the sound of music that impresses me, i will definitely shake my head, legs or even dance slowly. The first image was me in my daughter's school. Here they're performing cultural day and those girls are representing a different tribe. When they were called on the stage to dance, i joined them because they were actually representing my tribe.

Apart from research, i noticed that each time i dance, i sleep well. I feel relaxed and my whole body relaxes together after dancing. Not only that, dancing helps me to burn unwanted calories. It makes my bones stronger. That's why i don't joke with music. I play music a lot at home. Most of the music i play has good lyrics and sounds that will trigger one to dance. With my music, I don't feel lonely even when am alone because, I will be listening and dancing too.

You can see me again displaying my dancing step. It was during mother's day event that i attended. When the DJ played sweeth mother's song, i couldn't help it but to dance on the stage with other mother's.

I like dancing and dancing myself. It makes me happy and maintains my healthy living

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