Visiting Sydney in search of koalas and kangaroos for petting

Hello friends of the #weekendexperience community and especially to @galenkp, who I hope is enjoying the weekend and the Australian National.

Many years ago, in 2010 I visited Australia with my co-worker Giuseppe within a commercial tour of Oceania and Southeast Asia.

The truth I regret that at that time I did not have a cell phone that allowed to take pictures and my camera was a modest BENQ camera and my eye is not very trained to take spectacular pictures of the city of Sydney.

I was in this city for 3 days, of which I could only do sightseeing one of them and as you will understand I left a lot without visiting, although some of the most famous places like the Opera House we visited it from the outside.

We also toured part of the bay contemplating different types of large ships and some of them military. I seem to remember that there was some nautical event and old ships, but my memory fails me.

My memory fails me quite a lot of that visit, in fact I take this post to ask which building is this that I had photographed in his day, for some reason I thought it was interesting to take this picture.

The walk around Sydney was very nice, but going to Australia without seeing a koala or a kangaroo for me is like not going to Australia, so in the free afternoon we had my partner and I decided to go to the Sydney Zoo.

There were animals there that I had never seen before and whose name I can't say what they are.

I remember that it was sweltering hot and that some animals we encountered in other areas of the planet were so aliccated by the heat that I think they could be petted.

This heat even affected certain kangaroos, so I think the option of petting them might be a good one.

But others if they were active and within my mind a kangaroo as an animal to pet, I always get the image of seeing a kangaroo wearing boxing gloves and punching non-stop with its tiny arms and powerful paws.

Therefore, I think that next to the visit to Sydney I would keep the experience of petting a koala. Seeing it like that, sleeping in the tree is tender, although I don't know how aggressive it would get if I woke it up to pet it.

Looking forward to return sometime in my life to Australia and enjoy a Fosters beer by the beach while the surfers are being eaten by sharks. hahahahahah.

Best regards.

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Photographies taken with my Benq Camara in 2010

Translated with (free version).

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