Energy, transport and food: My points to reduce costs and with a good impact for me and the environment (WEEK 208)


What a joy that it's already the weekend and with it comes the #weekend-engagement that @galinkp organizes every week!

Within the topics proposed by @galenkp the first of the topics in which we explain and argue three ways with which we get to save is the one I have chosen because it is one of those topics that for months I have been implementing in my life and as you will see there are some additional benefits apart from the economic benefit.

Electric energy

Who is not worried or has not been worried about the increasingly high price of electricity bills?

A few months ago, looking at the increasingly expensive kW/h I conducted a small study in my apartment to locate the energy vampires.

Energy vampires?

Yes, there are energy vampires in our homes, and they are all those devices that consume energy and that we do not give them much importance. For example, LED indicators on televisions and electrical appliances that are constantly plugged in without need, such as microwave ovens.

Did you know that a microwave oven consumes energy without using it?

Well, the answer is yes.

Everything that has a plug and is connected to the mains is consuming.
As it, in turn, has a clock that tells the time, the consumption shoots up in a useless way.

A few months ago I wrote about this in the #Theminimalist community organized by @millycf1976 and shared how I had reduced the number of kw/h consumed and the corresponding reduction in the price of the electricity bill.



How much money do we spend traveling around cities with our vehicle?

Well, a lot and in turn if we have a car with a thermal engine we impact with more CO₂ emissions in the environment.

For months now, when I have to go from my home to the office, I have implemented traveling by commuter train.

The impact is a saving of about 100 euros in diesel per month, which is an important impact throughout the year.

And in turn, having cleaner air to breathe by having less CO2 and nitrous gases results in a more beneficial environment for the planet. That we only have this one for much space mission that is underway.


Having a small garden to grow your own vegetables is a real blessing.

Being able to eat organic tomato salads grown with great care is one of the things I like most in summer.

The price of tomatoes and other vegetables is getting higher and higher due to the inflationary situation.

So eating what the land can provide us in our gardens allows us to eat what we control and, therefore, control the absence of pesticides.

At the same time, the savings in the shopping basket is very important. After all, having potatoes harvested in the previous months in the pantry is a huge saving in my house.

These are three of my economic savings points. I would love to read yours.

Best regards.

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This post is my entry to the #weekend-engagement organized by @galenkp.

Pictures taken with my Sony Alpha 6000L camera and my iPhone SE phone.

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