About puppies: my loves


Hello to everyone in The Weekend Experiences community! Today I'm joining the community's submissions with some pictures of my beloved dogs, Brandy and Mia. Here they are. So let's get started.

Brandy is a Pincher mongrel, her mother's name was Bambi and her owner was a friend of mine from high school. Brandy came into my life in January 2016 at two months old, she was the youngest of the puppies. She has always been very active, she likes to jump, run and chew on toys, her favorite food is boiled chicken with carrots and I honestly believe her favorite person is me as she has been with me for almost 8 years now. She is inseparable from me, she likes to accompany me to cook, to eat, to the bathroom, to the garden and everywhere. In 2020 Brandy got pregnant and had 7 puppies, of which we kept two of them and the others were adopted, so among those children was Nikita, who two years later had Mia, the puppy you see next to Brandy.



Mia is Brandy's granddaughter and she turned one year old in January. Mia is very tender, she tends to be nervous but affectionate, she also likes to play with her toys and with the kittens, who are the other pets in the house. Mia's favorite food is carrots and meat. She, unlike Brandy, is a little smaller and looks like an eternal puppy so her nickname is Puppy. I like to sing songs for her because she seems to enjoy them and looks for me at those times to cuddle her while I sing. Puppy is also very innocent and sometimes she gets scared when she comes in contact with other dogs that sometimes are not so receptive to her affection.

In these pictures you can see them both during an afternoon walk. We usually go out a little later because they are small and somewhat nervous dogs and I don't like it when other bigger dogs walk in the same place as them. The less busy the better for us. Today they really enjoyed it because there was plenty of sunshine from 4 pm, after so many cloudy and rainy days. I like that after a good walk they come to rest peacefully. They look very cuddly. By the way, Brandy's other two puppies are at my mother's house. The kittens I will introduce them another time.



The company of my pets, their affection and charming personality are part of my day to day life and I can't imagine being without them and I don't think they would be happy without their mom and dad either. To take care and love our furry companions that always make our day better. I hope Brandy and Mia, have a long and happy life. The pictures were taken by me. Without further ado, thank you so much for stopping by and reading my post. I send you a big hug and I'll see you next time.


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