There is hidden beauty in that "somewhere" : Roadtrip Diaries.🏍️

It's all about the leisure breaks, the thrill of the open road, the roadside attractions, the stops, and the photo ops, the chats, the road tripping experience, and the surprising destination. . . Everything! Its all about our simple yet wonderful weekend getaway on the country road.


Time to hit the road again!

Last weekend was the first long weekend of the school year due to a Holiday that falls on Friday. This is everybody's favorite, an extra time to relax and explore outdoors or do things and activities they love that are set aside because of the workweek. As for me, I didn't make any plans, I didn't plan on going outside either. All I wanted to do is sleep like a potato on the couch or watch my favorite T.V Shows and maybe write some draft for my next blog. I have this long list of "doing nothing" on my head πŸ˜… when my husband joyfully suggested a road trip.

"A road trip?" I asked. "To where?"

"Like the old times," he said.

My face brightens up, one could see it obviously on my facial expression. "Like the old times" road trip to us means going in the middle of nowhere searching for the beautiful landscape to someplace unfamiliar and unknown to us. A spontaneous adventure and a random stop. Hehe. Sounds like we have the whole time, huh? Hehe. Check! This is our quality time and we are close to considering this as our love language.πŸ˜… Char! Alright!.


We started our road trip journey after lunch (after doing all our household chores). Our destination is somewhere out there in the middle of nowhere.πŸ˜… We don't know where to go yet but we know which way to pass through.


For this road trip, we choose to ride to the silent, peaceful, and beautiful country road of my hometown, Tabogon. The verdant grasses and the dazzling nature framed with the stunning mountain rolls on this part of the country road always make the road trip worthwhile and so relaxing. It was alluring. Many riders and passers-by often compared this scenic view of the country road to the landscapes of Batanes!


With its long stretch of valleys and mountains, one would simply not get tired of passing and seeing this view of the countryside, especially now that road was fixed and has been concreted.


A lot has changed on the road, from the bumpy-dumpy old road to hard cement concreted road with concrete barriers on the side. The breathtaking part of the country road is admired by many. So many people take a stop and had some pictures of them taken in this scenic view. And this is what a road trip must be.

The ride continues.

We reached the heart of the town at around 2 pm. We stopped by the famous Cold Spring of the town which I also published a blog in here. After the quick escapade in the spring, we continued our ride. This time, we were searching for places that we'd never seen nor stepped into in our town.

Our town is not highly developed yet our eco-tourism has just bloomed as we attract a growing number of tourists every year to our beloved Municipality. Aside from the commercialized tourist spot, our town has beautiful small beaches hidden and underrated. And this is our destination for this ride. (* A destination we only came up on our way.*)

Discovering the underrated secluded beach of Bitoon.

We were elated to finally find a place for our next stop, the beautiful, secluded, and serene beach of Bitoon.


Surprisingly, discovering this hidden beach was an easy one. During our ride, we spotted several youths just coming out from a narrow road soaking in wet clothes. We stopped and asked. We learned that there's a small beach down below. We excitedly looked for the place and Viola!


I was fascinated by the beauty that this small and secluded beach possessed. It was a cove! Its sheltered narrow bays and the amazing rock formations on both sides are enough to enchant someone.



There is a Nipa Hut looking over to the narrow bay and two huge rocks at the center of the cove. Several kids were playing and enjoying the beach. Watching them I came to realize how lucky they are to have this kind of beach, a tranquil, hidden yet beautiful.



We stayed a couple of hours watching and talking on the beach. A good talk and a happy laugh, with this beautiful view, sound so romantic.

What a surprising and beautiful destination we arrived at. We had found love once more in this hidden place. What an amazing weekend!

Hit the road and be surprised at the destination!




πŸ“šShe is an educator on weekdays, outdoorsy on holidays, and a Jill of all trades on weekends.πŸ˜‰

πŸƒShe fell in love with nature and the simple life of the countryside. As a lifelong learner, as she is, she is attracted to learning opportunities and growth.

❀️Join her as she shares her passions, experiences, learnings, travel, and adventures in this amazing world of blogging. If her content makes your heart smile, please leave an upvote, a comment, or a reblog.πŸ€—


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