[WE101] Another Slow Day


Image by Engin_Akyurt on Pixabay

Haruka just woke up before the beeping sound of his alarm started. He leaned over to switch it off. 'its going to be a long day' he taught, he didn't want to leave the bed. The warmth of the duvet made the chilly winter mild and the whole bed cozy. Haruka managed to get to the toilet, took out his toothbrush, he stopped and stared at his tired face in the mirror before putting the toothpaste on.

Breakfast was eggs and tea. Haruka usually took coffee, but today he wanted something a little more tasty. Haruka's phone rang while he was still eating, it was Debbie. He winced a little because he knew it would mean extra work.
"Hey Ruka" Debbie said in that indulging voice of hers.
"Hey" Haruka replied,
feeling like the conversation should just end as abruptly as it started.
"We're having guests from Hq today, so be prepared"
Haruka just shrugged as if Debbie was seeing him, then he added a faint "Okay".

As Haruka stepped out of the shower, he just felt he was done for the day and getting tucked back in bed. He was reluctant in picking a shirt for work. The ties were another confusing thing, after going through all of them, he finally picked one, a blue tie.

Haruka came out of the bus and was walking towards his office when a kid ran his bicycle into him. The kid was being chased by his friends and was looking elsewhere when he crashed into Haruka. Haruka's jacket was stained and he broke his wristwatch. The kid simply got up, hopped on his bicycle and rode away.

Haruka got to his table in the office to meet files stacked on each other, he just sighed as he started unraveling them. Everyday in his new job felt like a year.

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