Week #204/ My Apocalyptic World

In an apocalyptic world, before skills, people living in that world must have other qualities before skills. The first thing is to have a keen sense of survival, that means that before any eventuality must be someone mentally strong, rather than physically, although this goes hand in hand, in order to survive; first of all, to keep alive the spirit, self-confidence, hope and for that you must have faith, in my case would be in God, to keep me steady, emotionally, because what you keep in your mind, that will help you to continue.

Let me explain, there are many people who have everything in their hands and yet they feel empty with no reason to live and there is everything ... imagine in a world where humanity practically disappears, where you have to start from scratch, it would not be easy to stay focused and that should be the main thing, to know where we are headed and survive in the midst of all this; having this clear, a skill that would be very useful, would be to know how to cultivate the land, to have knowledge of all these things, it would be paramount. On the other hand, it is important to have knowledge on how to treat water to purify it, it would undoubtedly make a big difference and to know how to work with nature, that is, to know how to work with wood, the elements, such as water, winds, fire and everything that nature provides, would undoubtedly help a lot to survive.

To have knowledge of survival in nature would be the ideal and to take advantage of what is obtained to provide shelter, housing and to take care of the main needs of a human being. Obviously, some technological knowledge would not be of much use if we do not have to work with it; so we would have to start from the beginning, with the variant that we would be one step ahead to start again and that would undoubtedly make a big difference, but the most important thing would be to learn the lesson to be able to take care and maintain this new world and learn to live in peace, to be able to maintain it.

I loved to place myself in an apocalyptic world, but only for moments ha, ha, ha, ha to be able to have a vision about it and to be able to transmit it. Here is the link to this attractive proposal Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 204, Greetings!

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