Week # 200/ My life, my harvest...

Oh life! It is an endless number of things, it is the accumulation of experiences, where we feel and live all the earthly emotions and feelings, from anger, sadness, joy, melancholy, anxiety and many other feelings, but for To me the most important is the feeling of love, which in my opinion is what gives life all the shades of colors, what moves the world, because for everything to start moving it is necessary for it to exist in all things. . We all, without realizing it, put a little or a lot into everything we do. Example: when we create anything, we work, in all our relationships of all kinds. If we see him well, he is present, even if we do not see him at the moment.

And from there, being clear about this, we receive the ups and downs of life, as some good experiences come, others bad, but all necessary to become the people we are in the present; We are simply harvesting and then collecting, it depends on us whether we will have good or bad "products", I ask, are you distressed by the product of your harvest? That is the question we must all ask ourselves... the purpose of our existence depends on that answer. . It's up to you if you want to take your purpose and make it a reality.

My purpose has been clear, to form a family with all the love I can give, to raise children, with all the positive values ​​that I have been able to give them with their father, to enjoy life from the smallest moments, like enjoying the fresh air of the day, to be able to savor my cup of coffee every day, walk, laugh, write, share with my family and friends and even cry when necessary, because even with everything and all life is beautiful. And above all, thank God, in my case, for every day he gives us, to be able to continue being present in the lives of those who need me. So, based on all this, my harvest will be very good, I am already harvesting part of it.

This is my participation in Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 200, it was a pleasure to share my thoughts with you, greetings!

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