Making 180 Banh Chung for traditional Tet holiday in Viet Nam, Could we make it?

Good morning, The Weekend friends!

This is one of the best experiences I have had on the farm for a month. Being on the farm, I learned a lot and now I know how to make Banh Chung which is made from sticky rice, presented during Tet holiday for fullness and prosperity.

This is a tradition on the farm every year. They planned to make 180 Banh Chung eat and give as a gift for farmers working for them and their friends. I am an intern here so they give me chances to make it.

1.Competitive 3 teams
We divided into 3 teams for making Banh Chung and It would have an award for the winning team. I am at the first team including 18 members and we have strong confidence because we have lots of skilled members knowing how to make Banh Chung. I am a part and also a photographer to record photos and memories so i work on multiple tasks and my goal this year is to really make perfect Banh Chung.
This is the first step to do it.



There are photos of each group and they are teaching other members very carefully and patiently.

2.How to make Banh Chung
We need to have the square shape of wood to shape the Banh Chung and then put banana leaves around. My friends prepared porks, green beans, and sticky rice the day before to make sure they are seasoned deeply and tasted well. You could see the green beans cooked and rouned in the circle for making one Banh Chung.
After finishing putting the leaves outside:

  • put one layer of sticky rice around 1 small bowl
  • flat the green beans and put on the rice
  • put one piece of meat
  • put one more green bean to make sure it covers the meat
  • finally, put one more bowl of sticky rice

The next step is to wrap and tie it carefully and not make any holes. This is a very important part to have perfect Banh Chung. You can look on Youtube to know more about it. It is a very fun activity and beautiful.

3.Now I start to learn it

Honestly, I have tried to make it for around 5 years at home but never how to make it. This time is special because the quantity for Banh Chung is a lot so I have a lot of things and opportunities to make it step by step and no rushing. I am happy to see my friends working and talking together. It is a beautiful time as this makes us get along and open to talk with each other.



This is the first time I make nice Banh Chung like this and now i have the confidence to make the others. It was not hard as I thought and just need a little patience.
I could feel the environment of Tet is coming. A lot of exciting things and happiness are waiting on me.


4.Enjoy our performance and results for 180 Banh Chung

Yes. I made it 180 beautiful and quality Banh Chung for the Tet holiday. Everyone was satisfied and happy to make it together. This is a moment I will remember for this year being with friends. Winning is not a matter anymore. Friendship is one that lasts forever.




5.Cook Banh Chung and pick Lucky Money

We cooked it in a different place so we had to bring it into the truck and carry it to the Office. There is another team to cook and make a fire for it.


This is the most exciting part of the day because each Lucky Money hanging on the tree is different money from 1 thousand VND to 500 thousand VND. Each member will pick one.
Do you want to guess how much I got? : )


We have a big party tonight and then we sand together until midnight while waiting for the Banh Chung ready to be cooked.

This is one of the experiences I had on the farm in one month.

I will write more about it soon.

Thank you for reading my post, my lovely friends!

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