WEEK 177: The one where my heart died happy ❤️

All the photos and videos shared in this post are taken by and belong to me.

We all have that one song we can't get out of our head for days on end, even months. A tune we always find comfort in, one that always puts us in a better mood...Or one that allows us to express all the feelings we keep bottled up deep down inside.

Now I consider myself lucky as my family has always had this enormous love for music. Both my aunt and mom were in a choir for many years and travelled across Europe, winning contests left and right. Then they grew up to become music teachers. So you could say that music flows in my veins. Which is probably why I have way too many songs stuck in my head constantly. The one that I keep coming back to constantly though is "She will be loved" by Maroon5.

Obviously, coming from a small town in Bulgaria, I never could've imagined that one day, I'd be able to hear it live. But it happened, on a beautiful cold February night in 2013. 10 after I first heard the song.

I was dating a photographer at that time so the photos were taken with his camera, Canon something-something 😅 However, the quality is not the best since we were way up high in the nosebleeds.

Before I continue, I gotta say this concert was right around the time Maroon5 was getting quite popular so their music style was rapidly changing. It was however before Adam Levine became a brat. And even though I stopped listening to their music a couple of years later, I still find myself going back to their early bangers.

I cannot remember what my breakfast was yesterday so don't ask me about all the songs I heard that day, or the order in which they were sung. I do however remember the atmosphere, the crowds, the singing my lungs out. I'm pretty sure the next day, I could barely speak let alone converse with all my favourite customers about how amazing the previous night was.

Hearing some of your favourite songs live is such a fabulous feeling. This was also one of my first concerts (I had only gone to 3 up until Maroon5) so these were still brand new emotions I was experiencing. I remember scream-singing "Sunday Morning", "Won't go home without you", "This Love", "Harder to Breathe"...And hearing thousands of people sing them with me was magical. Going to concerts to me is 70% for the artist and 30% just for the sake of meeting people who enjoy same music I do. You see someone intensely singing your favourite song and it instantly makes you love them!

I was able to use the zoom option on that Canon something-something camera and it did give me three very memorable photos that I cherish to this day. And now I can proudly present them to you.

I believe "She will be loved" was one of the last songs to be sung. And it makes sense - it's a masterpiece. The lyrics, the melody, the feelings it gives you. It's all-consuming, it's mesmerizing. To this day, it's one of my favourite songs, and still on my morning playlist (as well as my karaoke go-to). That acoustic guitar intro melts my heart every single time...And definitely does not make me tear up...At all...Absolutely not.

Overall, this was one of my most treasured concert memories. Being a fan for 10 years and then finally getting to experience all this - words cannot begin to describe it. I'm pretty sure back then, on that cold February night, I felt like anything was possible. And it was, for about 3 hours 💕

Memorable mentions:

Eros Ramazzotti - March 2020

Sam Smith - January 2015

Lizzo - June 2023

Thank you all for taking the time to read all the way through. Have a sunny weekend ahead! 🥂✨

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