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Why were you scared dear, did you see the vacuum cleaner?

I remember the news I saw on TV. I can't remember which country it happened in, anyway, one in Western Europe. It was about a divorce between two ordinary people, not celebrities...

You may ask, why such news on TV, about two unknown people, not movies, music, or sports stars?

There must be a reason, right...and the reason was about why the two married people wanted to break up. Actually, only one of them wanted to break up with the other. The wife!

The reason she couldn't and didn't want to live with her husband was not that her husband didn't love her anymore, or that she didn't love him anymore, or that he cheated on her... the reason was that her husband was trying to satisfy her every desire and because he was trying to do all the housework in her place.

At first glance, it seems the woman was crazy. Who would willingly deprive themselves of such attention?
, and yet...
perhaps such an attitude from the husband can be stressful.

I don't know, I've never heard of such a thing before and I think almost no one (among married women) has ever faced such a problem.

I don't even think they are threatened to have it happen.

I now do, sometimes with pleasure, a lot of the housework. This doesn't happen all the time, at the beginning of our life as a couple I was quite stressed because of the many chores in the house that had to be done, especially as my wife has a sort of addiction to such things. That wouldn't be so bad, because a lot of these activities had to be done, the problem was and is something else...

My wife is the complete opposite of me. She can't work alone! And when she starts she can't be stopped.

Weekends and the eve of religious holidays have always been nightmare days for me.

In the meantime, 45 years of life together have gone by very quickly and they have evened out the rough edges and differences. I've learned to do most of the housework and prefer to do it before "someone" asks me, or even "someone" does it. This is as a protection.

Our friend, @dswigle, told me a saying I didn't know but should have intuited. I don't know if I'm accurately retelling it...

"Happy wife means a happy life."

I like to work alone and only accept one work partner. Music! As long as I listen to music I work much easier.

Obviously, I have my own preferences, I like cooking the most, even if I often fail. Because I also have two "habits" when it comes to cooking. I don't like to stick strictly to recipes and I like to improvise.

To give advice to those who want to avoid the chores I'm not really qualified to do that. At home, to avoid it I have to manage one thing. To convince my wife to stop doing certain chores. I could just with an invitation to go for a walk, shopping (that's the strongest one) or to something related to art, film, theatre, or concert. If I can't convince her, then I'm lost!

I do have one piece of advice for young people though. Show your partner a vacuum cleaner, and if they freak out, that's not good!

I'm reminded of a show I saw in the 1990s, Married with Children, a satire of the lives of American couples. In one of the episodes, Peggy (the wife), in another room, was screaming very loudly. Al Bundy (the husband), sitting on the couch in front of the TV, impassively asks her:

Why were you scared dear, did you see the vacuum cleaner?

I searched and searched but couldn't find a photo closer to the topic of the post. I know I have a few that would have worked better but I can't find them. Could this iron cat be somehow scared of the vacuum cleaner?

I want to thank @galenkp for the initiative which I see helps a lot of us to find inspiration for a post at the end of the week. I chose, from the many suggestions, this one: For the men... - Do you help out with the chores and housework at home? What do you like and do not like doing, do you have to be pushed into chores, do you volunteer to do them, or try to avoid them? If you are interested in this topic and many others, here you will find the necessary information:Weekend-Engagement writing topics: WEEK 167
