[WE:127]: "A Weekend in Paradise"


The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself, with desire for what its monstrous laws have made monstrous and unlawful.

-Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray.

This week in the #weekend-engagement community, I'm going full on bare back. My choice is "the naked weekend" . So sit back and relax while learning about my antics being in a deserted island naked where I could bring other three people. I'm going to twist this to make up to three other people.

Having said this, I'm going into a full poetic mode on this one, sorry G-dog. I know you don't like poetry, but that's the only way this going to work for me. Also, take this sort of poem with a grain of salt. It is fiction (or not...)


The night sleeps.
You aren't mine.
And I'm free.
Desire leads.

What's worse?
Deed done
Or imagined?

Does it matter?

Nature as witness,
The waves, soothing chant.
Wind caresses
the suit of your birth.
I'll be next.

No eyes.
No ears.
No schedules
in here.

Time in essence.


Sand, wind, waters and sounds
present found us
shadows merged
under palms.

Sweat and moans
words and tongues
depletion has come.
Exhaustion was bound.

Regrets come any?
With a deed
on this stage,
would you rather go back
or with me stay?

You go walking
your curves swaying
in harmonic glamour.

A flip, one look, and a smirk,
invitation received.
All of me follows
your footprints
to the beach.


The deed continues
in different places,
a cycle of wetness
and (almost) dryness
in land.

Trees casting their shadows
tell us of time.

The night soon will its eyes.

Dread sinks in feeling
as we come once again.
Will this be pleasant
or momentary regret?

Who's the novelty
bound for oblivion?


We shall leave
minds weary
bodies tired.

Deeds will remain,
And a piece of both

With eyes to the sea
the night finally awakes.
And we'll be moved
back to each one's place.

The weekend ends,

reminiscences etched
on flesh and mind
like Adam and Eve
longing for paradise.

This is what I would do during a naked weekend on a desert island with someone who drives me crazy. I hope the images are evocative enough to make any of you who read my poetry feel something.

There some some hidden things among the verses that I'd like to be discovered and mentioned in the comments. I had a lot of fun writing this for the #initiative.

Don't forget share your thoughts and opinions in down in the comments. I haven't been writing too much poetry lately, but that could change. Of course, I won't publisb them here unless I have a really good reason to make use of this form of speech.

Logo grabado en madera.jpg

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You can find me at discord as bertrayo#1763

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