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Just about any Topic

“I will prepare and some day my chance will come.”

― Abraham Lincoln


Hello there, full-time weekenders!

Something I learned about during my Elementary School years was to prepare to present stuff to the class. The first day of fourth grade, the teacher gave an assignment to 3 random students of the class. I was one of them. We had to prepare a presentation on the topics of the theories of the movements of population around the world. My presentation was about the Theories of Alois Ferdinand Hrdlička. If you don't know this guy is, it's simple. He propose the theory that the migrations from Asia came to America from the Bering Strait.

The topics weren't actually relevant. It was all about understanding how to prepare to do some stuff without too much time. This trend didn't repeat itself anymore. However, I learned how to get ready to talk about any topic without too much time for the deadline. And it carried onto my college years. I reckon not every presentation was an easy ace, but having to do that was by far easier than any other kind of evaluation.

Nowadays, if I had to present something to a group of people, I would probably go with a topic of something I do every day. I could talk about Videogame Narratives and how the model from Soulsborn Games has shifted the paradigm of storytelling; or talk about How to Write Haikus (this is actually a pending workshop I have to dictate at some point in the future); or The Forms of Traditional Music and their connections in the world. But probably, I'd cheat and talk about the ins and outs of making an instrument.


I mean Hive has given me the chance to keep a pretty good documentation of all the steps to make an instrument. I could just use any build and take the photos arrange some other details and be ready to present something about the construction process of an instrument using a variation of the Traditional Spanish Heel Method. The presentation would include both short videos. Yes, the same I use here. A very specific array of photos detailing the stages of the process. And on the stage, there would be a workbench with some of the pieces some already crafted and some in their first stage.


I would probably start with my joke about "this is what IKEA would sell as a kit for making an instrument". And it would just be an unprocessed log. Then, we would go and talk about about the history of the instrument and get to the building process.

The idea would then be to give people the chance to work on something of their own given them some supervision. I mean we're talking about working with sharp tools. And it would be amazing to see what others could do after some instructions about the process of making a plucked-strings instrument.


But that's just an idea. Given enough time, I could even get to talk about Quantum Physics. However, it would be on a basic level. Just to give people a basic understanding of the concept.

  • Photos 📷: taken by me (Redmi Note 13)
  • Editing 🎬: by me, made with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.

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