Weekend-Engagement - WEEK 156 “Three Dollars”.

    Good morning my dear HIVE friends, great greetings and happy Saturday to all, I hope you are well and enjoying your weekend; our friend @galenkp brings us for the proposal of Weekend Engagement 156, several topics of much interest, of which I am leaning towards "Three dollars ", since when thinking about what I would spend that money on, I only think of three things that combined are of the best.


Photo of my property, edited in Canva


¿What would I buy with three dollars for you?.

    Personally I like to cook and eat well, so I can't think of anything better than "just cooking" and sharing with you a simple but very good Venezuelan meal, which in my opinion is the best way to get the most out of that money, now, what would be good to buy since it's only three dollars, I just think of a very typical dish but it's delicious and fits the budget.

    Three dollars for three items and these are:

Harina_PAN_hecha_en_USA.jpgHarina Pan – 1 dólar.

EKtqklyWwAEd0iy.jpg Guayanes cheese – 1 dólar.

Mexicoke.jpgCoca Cola 355ML– 1 dólar.


    With these three things, I would prepare some good grilled arepas, stuffed with juicy guayanes cheese, accompanied by a glass of cold coca cola; this dish is never missing in a Venezuelan table, either for breakfast or dinner, it is a tradition that comes from generation to generation, "so they say that the arepa is from Colombia 😄"; I feel it is the best way to invest those three dollars, it would be the best thing I would buy.


A curious thing is that it's three dollars, for three items, with three good results:

  • Learning to manage money.
  • Enjoying a delicious meal.
  • Knowing a typical dish from another country.

    Now we only need to know if you have already tasted a dish of this type of food, if it would be to your liking and you would enjoy it.

That was all friends, I hope you liked what you read, I love you.


Images used as references, taken from their respective sources.
Edited Cover Photo, Farewell Image, and dividers, created by me in: Canva
Translation made in Deepl


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