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A Chance Encounter

I was on my flight home to Manila when an unexpected meeting took place. A conversation with a complete stranger which would change my life forever.


Sitting on the window seat, I was deep in thought. Greatly filled with anxiety as I have just left the corporate world after 14 years. I was completely distraught. I can’t help but worry and dwell on what comes next. What would be my source of income? How much money do I still have saved? How will I be able to pay of my credit card?

I was so absorbed that I almost disregarded an older gentleman standing next to me and was calling my attention. I looked up to see an elderly man asking if I had the right seat showing me his ticket. It turned out I was not supposed to be on the window. I apologized and was on my way to transfer to the correct seat. But when I was about to get up the old person said not to worry and I could keep the window seat.

He was around his sixties. Had streaks of gray hair, seems to be well off and is well spoken. He had kindness in his eyes. The senior only had one condition. He will give up his window seat to me if i told him three interesting things about me. One about the past, another about the present, and lastly one for the future

I politely accepted the offer.



The older guy had a Los Angeles Lakers sticker on his tablet. Trying to establish a common ground I told him that I am a huge basketball fan and an even bigger LeBron James fan. And one thing he me might find interesting about me is that I have titanium implants in my knees. It was from an operation from 7 years ago that was needed in order to repair and reconstruct my ACL. If i wanted to continue playing basketball and other sports, then this surgery was necessary. I then showed him some pictures. As well as the scar that was left on my knee.





Continuing to honor our agreement, I then shared that I recently got married. It was the happiest day of my life. The event was tiring but was more than worth it, me and my then girlfriend had been waiting for this day and after 13 years of love it finally happened. So many long lost friends and relatives was reunited and was able to spend time with each other to celebrate our union. I showed Mr. Old Timer some pictures from our Big Day. I could see him tearing up. Maybe he is a romantic too. Haha.





The elderly gentleman was wearing a huge golden cuban chain around his neck. It might have been half a kilo. A jewelry piece which could cost millions. I told him that I have deep affinity and fascination in gold. And that I dream that someday I will have my own gold jewelry store. Right now all I have is this gold bracelet to start of my collection. To my surprise he mentioned that he is running his own jewelry shop and business is doing good.



The plane was delayed for take off. The senior passenger asked the stewardess if he could quickly use the washroom and he was allowed to. Before he got up to do his business. He said a few words to me. ”Stop worrying child. You are a good man before, a better man today, and will be an even better man tomorrow. Having known you I know you will be a good husband and a father”

I was completely stunned. Only 2 people knows those exact words. My father who said those same words on my wedding day and me. The plane started to taxi and the passenger beside me didn’t return. Whoever this older person is, thank you for reminding me of who I am.