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WE113 - Because it's Me

One of the questions we are asked this time in the Weekend Engagement could definitely be a challenge for one or the other. At least it is for me.
I'm not the "elevator bitch" type who can tell you in a nutshell what it is that I actually can do very well. But I also have a hard time saying it within the 500 words required.

So at first I thought: No! This is not a topic for me. But then I remembered what I learned from @jongolson at one of the CTP talks a few weeks ago.
Be a "brand" is one of the mottos you often hear in CTP. But I didnt really understand that for a long time, I'm not a coke or a jeans or a cell phone brand, I always thought to myself.
So I just asked how I was supposed to understand it, and the very simple answer was:

"Just be yourself, your being is what makes "your brand". Engage where it brings you joy and write about the things that interest you.
THAT is your brand.

And with this statement we are already in the middle of the difference between SocialMedia 2.0 (Influencers) and SocialMedia 3.0 (Leaders), which is very well expressed here on our Hive Chain.
I think the old model of people only showing their best sides has finally had its day. Here on Hive, people just like it when you are who you are.
Glossy SocialMedia 2.0 perfectionism is out, "just be yourself" is the order of the day.
I've seen a lot of people who end up here with their perfect SocialMedia2.0 posts and can't get a foothold despite (or because of) all their professionalism.

This doesn't mean that we shouldn't work on our skills and strive to improve ourselves, quite the opposite. I think only when a person is really himself, he can rise to peak performance.

So let's see what you can find in my postings in general:


Here on my profile it goes quite mixed up with the topics, also this is "only" a mirror of my life, that I have so many interests.

  • Of course you always find some delicious recipes
  • Then there are photos and stories from my garden, about flowers, butterflies and what else is crawling around there.
  • The next one could be a Shadow Hunter posting, because I am addicted to the various shadows you see all around, once you saw them.
  • Then once in a while, maybe a #thoughtfuldailypost, when I have found a topic to think about. Well, topics to think about I have daily, in fact more topics then time ;-) it's in my blood, but I don't always write a post about them.
  • Other times there can be found one of my colorful drawings.
  • Or I explain something about the Ecency frontend, because I also like to help.
    Sometimes I also write stories.
  • Music! Music has always played a very big role in my life and you'll find one or the other post about it every now and then.
  • Or I jump, like now in one of the numerous interesting contest topics, which you can find on Hive.

As you can see, everything is completely jumbled, but all these posts have one thing in common and that's me. My world through my eyes that I would like to bring you closer to, that I just love to write about and take photos of to share with the world.

And so I would like to end this post with a very good old song that everyone should take to heart:

Gloria Gaynor - I Am What I Am

This is my entry to the Weekend Engagement Topic 113 by @galenkp and as always, I hope you enjoyed reading :-) Yours, B.

You may find the German lyrics of this post in the comment section

I am a blogger from Austria, founder of the Hive Memorial Forest Community and admin of the Introduce Your City Community, active in ecency discord and here and there all around this beautiful blockchain.
Video from all photos by @beeber collage arranged with (free version)
mostly translated with (free version)