On two occasions I became ashamed of myself

Have you ever been ashamed of yourself before? If yes how did you move on?

This question just took my mind back to 2019 when i just relocated to Lagos state which was a different city from where i have spent my life for over 20yrs, everything about Lagos is just far different from how i lived my life, ranging from dressing to even the type of food people eat.

In my previous state which was very little when compared to Lagos state we had just few recreational centers but in lagos everywhere was filled with recreational centers, Beaches and shopping malls, visiting all this places for the first time was really challenging amd caused me shame

Visiting the shopping mall for the first time.

On getting to the shopping mall
The first thing that amazed me was the packing space, the height of the building so tall and according to my friends we will go on our sperate ways so as to get all we need on time and meet at the pack where we left our car, i became so nervous at first because i don't know how to locate where we packed our car in such a big place but i was so ashamed to tell them that i can't locate where we parked.

As if that was not enough, immediately we entered the mall they went their separate ways tho it was still for my own good because i had limited time to spend in the mall.

I was already nervous but i became more nervous which lead me to disgracing myself when i had that the household items i want to purchase are sold at the fifth floor of the mall and i was expected to use the Lift , hmmmm all my life that was my first time of me seeing and hearing about lift and unfortunately i was to still make use of it that same day.

I musterd up courage and decided not to allow people around notice what was happening but unfortunately it became a public notice, hahahahah hahahahah hahahahah.

I kept on making mistake while choosing the floor in the button section, and when i get to the wrong floor i will also press down and see myself same place i left.

This happened till i got myself stucked in the lift and signal came to the security men that something is wrong so they quickly came to my rescue and everyone around where just feeling pity for me and it became obvious that am a first timer.

At first i was very ashamed of myself but on a second thought I just remembered that in everything in life there must be a first time, and first time shouldn't be perfect.

I moved on.

My First day in the beach.

Thats was another day of my life i became soo ashamed of myself .
I never get to see such large ocean in my life before, it took us 4 hours to get to the Beach and i was thinking why lagos is that big not knowing i was going to meet another surprise of my life.

When we got there, i looked and saw such large body of water and how the water was moving back and forth.
My friend said i should come and at least feel the water, i was soo scared.

I joined her tho so scared so the next thing i noticed that my feet was moving and i thought i was about to drown.

"I screamed ontop of my voice so loud that almost everyone in the beach heard me, i said "Please don't allow the water to carry me, help me"

Immediately i noticed that i have attracted unnecessary attention to myself i became so ashamed of myself, i came out and sat down in the tent we booked.

After a while i encouraged myself but i never went back to the water that day, when people came around me i just told them it was a mistake.

In those two occasions that i mentioned I really was soo ashamed of myself but i always remembered that there must be a First time of everything in someones life.

I never stopped going to the mall because of the shame i brought to myself, I also never stopped going to the beach, even tho the second and third time was not too smooth but i kept trying out new things in lagos.

Look at me today i freely go to the mall just me and use the lift as many times I want without any assistance, likewise the beach i even spent much time feeling the water whenever i visit the beach.

There are other things that has really made me feel ashamed of myself but i don't give up, i always find a way to move on.

For sure there must be a beginning, just be humble enough to learn from your mistakes


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