Have a relaxing time on the beach with the noises and sights of the waves as well as the breeze.

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Hi Hive!
What's for weekends? How's your weekend?
Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Who loves the Beach? Anyone?

Last Sunday it was already on my list to go to the beach with my Buddy!

I like the sea and the beach. Ever since I was young. Our house was near the sea. Sometimes I bathed early in the sea around 5:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. back then, especially when the sea was clear, and the calm sea was pleasant to bathe in. Anyway, it's been a long time.

There is a chance that at least once or twice a month I will go to the sea with whomever I can take or be with to relax because it is a different feeling that you can relax on the weekend, and the next day is working days, it helps even if it refreshes your mood, the feeling that you are stress-free and ready to face the next few weeks, so I'm going to be energized at work.

Am I the only one who feels better when there's somewhere else you can relax, especially with someone you want to be with and talk to, and you're laughing without thinking about anything else? Maybe not!

In the Philippines, there is always a dish of Kinilaw (raw seafood dish) fish, and Sinugba (Grilled) fish for any occasion, especially when going to the beach.

This weekend, what we will cook is Grilled fish (Milkfish) and a raw seafood dish (Sardine).

• Bring cooked rice.
• Buy ingredients for cooking.
Sinugbang Bangus, (Milkfish) for grilling.
Kinilaw na Tuloy, (Sardines) raw seafood dish.
• The others that have not been bought in the store will be bought near the beach so that you don't have to carry too much.

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PERT'Z Beach Resort
(Located at Borbon, Cebu, Philippines)

Sunday, the day we went to the Beach. It's not far, the estimated time is 40-to-45 minutes, but our trip by motorcycle was taken at 42 minutes. When you run fast sometimes it only takes 25 to 30 mins. We left at 9:29 a.m., we arrived at our destination around 10:11 a.m. After we entered the entrance gate I went down and bought a disposable plate and disposable cups, one pack of charcoal, and two honey biscuits. What we paid including the entrance fee (P20.00) of twenty pesos for each person and P20.00 for the motorcycle parking fee is a total of one hundred pesos only. After I paid, we went in, and Buddy parked his motorcycle, and we started looking for a good place. We are located on the upper side overlooking the sea. We chose the one with a tree so it wouldn't be hot and the place that was close to where we would wash our food.


I brought a picnic mat to hold our stuff where we will be sitting when we eat and rest. When we reached it, it turned out to be low tide. So, we will wait for the high tide to swim.


I took out the purchased ingredients and started to prepare. Buddy washed and cleaned the fish first. I was ready with the ingredients to use; I washed it before slicing it. (When we're preparing our food, we're eating biscuits for a snack).


First, I prepared the ingredients for the raw seafood dish. Spring onions, tomatoes, lemons, onions, and long chili green.


While I was busy with the ingredients, Buddy cleaned and sliced the sardine fish.



The ingredients have been mixed, first put the spices in a mixing bowl, add lemon, a little salt, and vinegar, then put the sliced sardine fish and mix it well.


And this is the mixed raw seafood dish, but it's not done yet...


I bought two cucumbers to add to the raw seafood dish.


While I was peeling a cucumber, Buddy took the other one and ate it with salt (he ate it unpeeled!) so only one cucumber was added to the raw seafood dish.


This is the peeled cucumber and I cut it into circles and split it in half.


When I finished slicing the cucumber, I put it in the raw seafood dish and stirred it to make it even more delicious!


Mix! Mix! Mix!


After I prepared the raw seafood dish, I prepared the ingredients for grilling the Milkfish! Buddy bought the Milkfish because we both like it. After all, it tastes good even if it's prickly.
By the way, this is the ingredient I cut for the grilled Milkfish.


We will also put a whole long chili green to bring out the little spiciness that Buddy split in the middle part.


After cleaning the fish, all the ingredients are inserted into the stomach of the fish.
The milkfish is ready to cook. So, we started to make a fire and to heat the coal.


We were just about to hide at the back of the tree facing where the air came from then we started to light quickly.

When the charcoal is in the right heat, it is time to put in the milkfish.




The milkfish is cooked for 15 mins. From 10:58 a.m. to 11:13 a.m. based on my record time.

Everything is ready! We were able to prepare our lunch early at 11:15 a.m. Before the meal started, Buddy bought soft drinks (Sprite).


After we ate, I cleaned the place. We had food left so, when we were hungry, we had something to eat.


(At 12:48 a.m., the sea level is rising, unlike the first picture If you notice)

We were in the top area located near the Sea in that picture. So, I decided to go down and take some pictures while waiting for the high tide.


While we waited for the water to rise, we just sat and talked while we hung our feet. We look at the ocean and we just feel the moment and the wind blows.


Suddenly my buddy decided to try my hair in the bread hairstyle in three parts. And this is the result, I think he's great too.

By 3:30 p.m., the seawater was rising, only in that part so we decided to bathe. The water wasn't too high, so we went to the deep water, and we were swimming and bathing. Then, we got ready and dressed. We left the area before nightfall.

Make time for yourself, spend time with others, explore, and enjoy!

I appreciate you taking the time to read. Thank You!

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