Finally Got Around To Potting The New Pineapple Plant

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The Weekend Brought About Productivity ..

Besides birthday parties, dinners, sleeping, cleaning, and other miscellaneous things, the weekend felt pretty productive as far as yardwork went as well. I was able to get in the yard and clean up a few things, just not as much as I wanted to. I didn’t get around to mowing the lawn or giving the bushes and shrubs one last cleanup before fall. But, I did do a few things and one of them was to pot the new pineapple plant!

Maybe some of you remember a while back I blog about starting a new pineapple plant. This is not the first pineapple I’ve grown in this fashion, and probably not the last. It’s pretty easy to start them because when you buy them at the grocery store, the Green leaves at the top our already growing roots. All you need to do is plant it in some sort of growing media, keep it warm and moist, and in a month or two you will have a decent amount of roots.

Back on May 24th ..

I planted the top of a pineapple that I cut up. What can I say, we were hungry for pineapple.. we ate the bottom and kept the top for planting. Molly and I went out to the garden and planted it in a fine spot, or so I thought.



I moved it around the garden several times and even into the mulch pile near the garden. Every time I planted it a groundhog would come and dig it up. Finally I buried it inside the watermelon vines so it was camouflaged. It lived happily here for several months until today when I decided it was ready to be potted. I wanted to get the pineapple in a pot and indoors before the first frost hit. At that point it would be toast.

This is what it look like shortly after I had planted it. I know, it looks pretty rough, but shaped up over time.


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Potting The Pineapple ..

This is how it all went down…

I located the plant, which wasn’t hard to do because I’m the one who planted it there. And all of the watermelon vines are now gone because I remove them. I figured this post needed a little bit of humor. So if you didn’t laugh please go back and laugh at the fact that I knew where the pineapple plant was located. Ha ha Ha.


I gather my tools; my own two hands, a small shovel or speed, and a pot… The most essential part, Unless I want to hold this pineapple plant in my hand for the rest of my life. I think that would get old rather quickly.



Next, I noticed that there was some grass and other material down in the center of the plant where the new growth is forming. I wanted to get this out of here so it wouldn’t obstruct the new growth or begin to rot and create a diseased area. I simply pulled the leaves gently apart and blew into the center with my mouth. I made sure to close my eyes so I did not get any material in them. Of course all that grass and dirt ended up all over my shirt. A quick brush off and I was ready to get back to work.





After the removal of foreign material.. I pulled the grass away from the plant so I could eye up exactly where I would be digging.


Then, I inserted my spade.. into the ground approximately 2 to 3 inches away from the base of the plant. I created a wedge like shape the whole way around the base extracting just enough soil and not damaging any of the major roots that had just formed.


After about eight or nine stabs.. into the soil, out popped a new pineapple plant! I was quite excited because I did see a few decent sized roots and a lot of little ancillary routes. This is a good sign that the plant is healthy and willing to grow.


I placed the plant into a pot .. and tucked in a little extra soil around its base. It’s now good to go! All I need to do is find a new home for her and that’s that. Actually, one of our friends mentioned they wanted a new pineapple plant so I will probably give it to them and let them be responsible for raising her. I did tell her that it would take 2 to 3 years to grow a pineapple, if it’s happy enough to do it. I wonder if they remember that little bit of information? I say after about a year they'll be asking why it's not producing a fruit.. hehehe.


It’s a long wait, but well worth it, to say you grew your own pineapple.


And that’s what I did this weekend. Well, at least one of the things I did this weekend.

What did you do this weekend?

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I tried to get you a nice Molly beauty shot, but as usual she was having no parts of it. At least she was enjoying the view of the lake while turning her head from the camera! Thanks Molly for being so shy. She's too cute.


“Half of me is filled with bursting words and half of me is painfully shy. I crave solitude yet also crave people. I want to pour life and love into everything yet also nurture my self-care and go gently. I want to live within the rush of primal, intuitive decision, yet also wish to sit and contemplate. This is the messiness of life - that we all carry multitudes, so must sit with the shifts. We are complicated creatures, and ultimately, the balance comes from this understanding. Be water. Flowing, flexible and soft. Subtly powerful and open. Wild and serene. Able to accept all changes, yet still led by the pull of steady tides. It is enough.”
― Victoria Erickson

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Thank you for swinging by my blog and checking out the post. Have a great day!


All words, pictures and art pieces are the sole property of B D Miller Gallery, unless otherwise noted and credited, and are not to be reproduced or copied without the prior written consent of B D Miller Gallery.


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