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Planing the Weekend

July 16th, 2021

Listening to Music
Thinking of the Weekend

It ll started with a dice roll for a game I am playing, I rolled 18, immediately Alice Cooper slammed himself into the forefront of my mind, and I had to go and listen to it. 18, that was the roll the dice rolled. It had been a long time since listening to that song, and it is not even one of my favorites from him, but I had to hear it.

It started an hour or more of the only thing youtube is good for, music choice.

After listening to 18 from Alice Cooper, I noticed that there was an offering from Johnny Cash. Hurt, if you have never listened to Johnny Cash's version of it, you are missing out.

So I listened, then looked over again at the offerings, Concrete Blonde Walking in London, one of my favorites from them, I like and enjoy so many of their songs, after Walking in London, I listened to Someday, perhaps an over looked song of theirs but very very good. I ended my Concrete Blonde listening episode with Joey likely their most known song, but not the best in my opinion, but still a good song.

After Listening to Joey, on the side offer was Til Tuesday - Voices Carry. Always loved that song. Not quite sure why I like songs, mostly for the messages I guess, the 3 to 6 minute stories some of them tell.

Next up now playing as I type is The Church - Under The Milky Way, Music has a story, and some music can make you think and dream. For me this is a dreaming song, one that makes me stop and pause and think about things.

In the offering list while listening to The Church, was one of my all time favorite female vocalist, Mazzy Star Fade Into You. So Tonight That I Might See, was the first Album of hers I bought, I would use this as a sometime after hard day at work bathtub relaxing album, soak and just listen drifting in my mind till the album was done.

Tracy Chapman, Fast Car, first time I heard it I went and bought the album. It captured me that much I wanted to know what else was on the album, to experience her voice a little bit more. 'Fast Car' did not end being my favorite, my favorite on the album was '"She's Got Her Ticket", a nice unique voice one that makes you want to listen, to hear her songs.

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers - Mary Jane's Last Dance - One of those songs that I just can not explain why I like it, I like his voice, and many of his songs. Just a fun song I like to listen to. They had a pretty unique sound, I also think he did a pretty good job acting in the Postman.

Okay, time to actually get up and do something other than sitting on my ass listening to music, So since it is a nice day out side, and since it is Friday, I think ending with Prince and the Revolution - 1999 is a good ending point music that makes you want to get up and move around. I enjoyed the Movie Purple Rain, and the album.

Hope You all have a nice weekend. I would have included links to the songs I listened to, but as Hive is world wide, and I get annoyed at youtube broken video links here is the list to just copy and paste in google or duck duck go or your favorite search engine.

Alice Cooper, Eighteen
Johnny Cash, Hurt
Concrete Blonde, Walking in London
Concrete Blonde, Joey
Concrete Blonde, Someday
Til Tuesday, Voices Carry
The Church, Under The Milky Way
Mazzy Star, Fade Into You
Tracy Chapman, Fast Car
Tracy Chapman, She's Got Her Ticket
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Mary Jane's Last Dance
Prince and the Revolution, 1999
Buffy Sainte-Marie, Starwalker

So highlight right click search and take your pick of versions, that way you do not get a broken video link and can choose other formats than youtube maybe.

Weekend plans, take Concrete Blond and Siouxsie and the Banshee with me to listen to as I drive on a possible photo hunt, depends on weather. I might take Cher along for the drive also, just so there is some music my wife likes also, or maybe one of her John Denver cd's, but more likely Buffy Sainte-Marie since we both like her, Starwalker being one of my favorites so I added her to the list above. (Oh and don't think I do not like Cher or JD, I like both of them also).

So I have a semi-sorta plan for the weekend, music and pictures, hopefully the weather will cooperate and remain nice.

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