Politics and maybe a bit of cultural values.


Have you ever been in a situation where someone lies to you in a way you know the person is lying, and so does the person? Welcome to Nigeria. The giant of Africa, where our political leaders go to the media and speak whatever comes to their mind without thinking.

It is like a singer going into the studio to just mumble some words and get applauded for it. Living in a country like mine, there is almost nothing that interests me about the country. Corruption has taken root that everything that follows just makes matters worse. Still, with all these, there are some little things that are interesting which makes me feel maybe... just maybe there are the best things about living in my country.

Politics:Nigerian politics is a game filled with so many sighs and laughs. Our political leaders seem to find it fun to come online and tell us how a snake swallowed money. Listening to a news caption like that and the statement that follows makes you sigh because what the hell? Even a small kid knows this is impossible, and you have to wonder about the sort of IQ these people have.

However, despite the lies they say, the best thing about living here is how citizens turn a bad situation into a fun one. Memes are usually created with the picture of the politician or the key content to what the person has said in a caricature that brings in loads of laughter. I believe this has become a habit for the citizens as a way to cope with political shenanigans.

Instead of being down and heartbroken, just have an internet connection and watch how things will turn around. I believe this is one of the reasons suicide rates in the country aren't high because as long as you have data, you'll be fine.


Another best thing about living in a country like Nigeria is cultural values. Nigeria is one of the countries in the world that are rich in culture. With different ethnic groups, it is always fun when I see people with their cultural attires, their food, and some of their cultural practices like music, dance and ways of greeting.

There are ways you will speak to people, and it depicts how you were trained, and there's surely one thing in common for African mothers, they don't take nonsense. The way children are trained to respect their elders, learn to talk, and know when you should is super amazing. It doesn't mean the child doesn't have a say or mind of their own.

Being in a country like this, when I see people with these attitudes, I am always filled with smiles because a child that is well trained and also saw the need for that training will make the society safe.

When it comes to culture festivals, watching or being present in a place where cultural seasons like new yam festival, Argungu Fishing Festival, Sango Festival, Eyo festival, Osun festival and all others are showcased is super amazing. It is one of the best things to witness in the country.

Song by Asa on the Eyo Festival gotten from #youtu.be

Surely we know politics is a dirty game and in this country, the dirtiest is filled with corrupt figures who make people's life miserable but still, people find strength in that and it serves as a motivation to be better.

Cultural practices bring unity, excitement, and care for one another, and whenever I see such, I feel blessed being among the citizens of my country.

This is my response to @galenkp Weekend-Engagement Concept. You can join in as well by following the rules stated.

Images used are mine

Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading and listening.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.

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