[WE135] - That Sunday feeling

Sunday feels at the end of the weekend

Sunday is filled with so many feelings for me.

Morning Slumber

I usually wakeup feeling quite lazy. Saturdays are always active days where I usually go running in the morning, go out somewhere during the day and frequently end up going to bed later than normal. So waking up on Sunday morning - What's the rush? Let me relax while I can.

But there is always that feeling of inevitability. I can't really relax as I know there are so many thing to do and I am going to be rushing all days if I don't make a start!

Still, when I finally get up, I have a leisurely breakfast. Not that weekday rushed get-it-down-me breakfast that I have as I am leaving the house. No, on Sundays it is that procrastination breakfast. Let me see what I can cook up and let me spin this out for a while so that I don't have to start on the chores.

The Chores

Having a family, there are always a lot of things to do. Shopping. Cleaning. Cooking. Washing. Helping with homework. It can become tedious and stressful. The hours of freedom before going back to work are slipping away and all my time is being sucked up by these chores!

I usually feel quite exhausted by the time dinners has been cooked. Hard work doing all these chores. There is that deep feeling of - oh god, work tomorrow! It’s a deep feeling of dread sometimes even though I quite enjoy my job. Its just that you know the peace and relaxation is over. Hmmm, even though I have been busy all day the perception is that work is even more busy.

It can be quite a negative and draining feeling. Does anyone else get that? Particularly on the winter nights. The weeks go by - life is slipping away and here I am doing chores again in a rush for the next week.

The Call

After dinner, I call my parents who live overseas. I do this every Sunday without fail (and if for any reason I can't call them I will tell them and arrange another date). I often don't have much to talk about but they really appreciate my calling and just chatting. They have done so much for me in life so I should invest some of my time in them. Of course, I do speak to them throughout the week but not like Sunday evening which is a good old natter with no real purpose.

My parents are getting elderly and it often makes me reflect on life. How long are they going to be around? How do I maximise my time with them? How do I maximise my time?

I usually feel a bit better after the call. More positive for the week ahead.

Reflection before the week ahead

This does lead me to a moment of reflection at the end of the day. I don't like to think about work too much during my weekend. I have a stressful job and like to leave it behind. However, I do reflect on my progress at a higher level. How am I doing against my goals. Am I maximising my time in life? What do I need to do differently.

Hopefully, the week ahead will be better. That's the feeling I have each Sunday. Around and around we go.

Photo is mine of my Sunday washing pile (modified using Pixlr app)
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