What is vitally important in the approaching apocalypse? (WEEK 204)

"The purpose of education is to instil wisdom, which is to know how to use our knowledge and skills well."

-Alfred North Whitehead


I don't think the world has yet seen the worst that could happen to it.

Reality always exceeds fiction and it may be that what is coming in the future is unimaginable for human beings.

I don't think any country has gone through that yet, I don't think anything that terrible can be imagined in the mind of a human being. But it could happen.

The way things are going, the events that are happening at the moment don't look very good. And I'm not talking about many generations in the future, but it's possible it's just around the corner.

What does it depend on? It depends on us. Although looking at where we are now and making projections, it is inevitable.

I have closed my eyes, imagining that world without electricity, without water, without laws, absolute chaos, death everywhere I look, empty streets, despair, a thick air covering everything. It would be all against all for food, water reserves and survival.

What I have imagined is out of this world.

And if that were to happen the priority would be those closest to me and saving my own life.

Of course I would first get as far away from civilisation as possible, it would be real chaos and destruction. The best alternative is pure nature, far away.

But there I will need certain skills or things and there are too many that matter. The first three on my list I think are the most powerful.

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Survival skills: Within this skill is knowing how to start a fire, how to find water that I can boil and drink, how to provide my own food, fishing, hunting, harvesting vegetables and fruits.

This knowledge is essential, otherwise I would starve to death and so would my family.

If I don't save my body, there is no more nothing, no future.

This includes being physically fit. Exercise, even if it's just walking, will help me to be fit, good rest and good food.

One thing has to do with the other, they are related.

First and foremost, keeping myself alive, and for that these survival techniques are fundamental.

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The second important thing or skill would be to have knowledge of first aid.

If something goes wrong, if someone in my family gets sick or has an accident, I have to know what to do. If I have the necessary knowledge I know that I will stay calm because knowledge gives me security.

Having the necessary items, the basics for any unforeseen event is very important and the knowledge of nature because she has many medicinal plants. That could help me.

Knowledge is power, being able to solve issues quickly in an environment where there is no time to think. Life can be in danger.

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The mind, the mind controls everything and if I have mental clarity I can react effectively. For this you need to have that speed of resolution, that practical mind.

I think one of the most important skills in these cases would be a creative, resourceful mind that can easily find a solution to the various problems that could occur, unforeseen problems.

Let's remember that we are in a hostile environment or in the middle of nature and these things are going to happen, defending ourselves and surviving is the most important thing. Being quick to react and calm is very important.

Many times there will not be time to think about alternatives, we will have to act, whether it is a question of food, water, defence, relocation and shelter of what little we have.


Maybe the apocalypse is not near or maybe it is, the important thing is to be prepared, to know what to do and that the brain knows that the possibility exists.

I believe that one is not 100% ready for such an event, especially when it has never happened. But the best we can do is to learn and be aware.

Thank you @galenkp for this topic, and all the others, they are equally wonderful. But I could have an image when I closed my eyes and this one called to me.

Big greetings to all, I wish you all a very good weekend.

All photographs are my own.

Used translator Deepl.com free version.

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