Market, handicrafts and a beautiful walk with my mother (WEEK 187).

"The artist is the hand that, by means of one key or another, makes the human soul vibrate properly".

-Wassily Kandinski

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One of the things I like the most is art, but not only in the expression of a painting or a digital design but in many other forms such as photography, music, among others.

On the occasion of these special dates of Christmas, New Year and Epiphany, in the city where I live, as I think in all cities in Spain, there are Christmas markets, specially set up for people to visit and enjoy all the items they sell there.



Many of these items are handmade and that is what I like most about this place and this event.

And this activity is what I have just done, I have just come from there, because it is the last day it is open for the Epiphany holiday. I couldn't attend the previous days, but I didn't want to miss it.


Many of the stands are about gifts for children, especially dolls, games of various kinds and for all tastes. But what is most striking are the dolls with their bright colours.


Other stalls sell clothes, ranging from scarves to skirts, hats and much more.

It was a very pleasant walk because even though it was a bit chilly, the sun was shining.

Lots of people here and there, strolling around, but also looking at the market.


In particular, what I liked the most and the stalls I paid most attention to were the ones selling handicrafts. The handicrafts made of wood and leather were beautiful.


Others were dedicated to pendants, rings, bracelets and I paid a lot of attention to those.


Those selling salt lamps, precious decorations for the walls, the home in general, were beautiful to admire.



Among the various stalls there were some selling different things to eat, mostly sweets. Children are attracted to such things.




I liked to see many stalls with Christmas motifs and also about kings, selling different types of Nativity scenes, small sculptures, decorations referring to these dates.


One of the most striking stalls was one where they made clocks with vinyl records, it was super original and I loved them all, with different motifs and alluding to different artists. That was excellent.


I really enjoyed this walk with my mother, we both like to admire these places, although we are not used to buying things we don't really need, we really enjoyed seeing the art, how they are made, what products there are, and above all, having a nice outing.


We did it in the middle of the day and for that reason, we took something to eat, some fruit and we ate in a park full of nature, after the great walk and hike. It is something simple but very pleasant.

It is also a tradition, this walk, although for various reasons I had not been able to go before, luckily I arrived on time, before they began to dismantle the various stalls and I could take advantage of the moment and have a great time.

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Thank you @galenkp always for this opportunity to tell our thoughts and good times during the weekend.

Best regards to all and see you next time. A very good weekend to all of you.


All photographs are my own.

Used translator free version.

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