Worst Christmas Ever | Terrible Experience

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When I first came across this last question on Weekends experience. My brain had to flash back to an incident which occurred in My family, 2years ago. Christmas have always been about family togetherness, it's completely about family coming together to enjoy good food, and spends some quality time together but in the year 2021, the story was different with us.

It started on Sunday morning, few days to the end of November. I was preparing to go to church, when I received a phone call from home that my junior brother was so sick, for about a week now and his not getting better. On hearing this, I became really worried and sad that I had to travel down home. Family have always been something that I cherished a lot.

When I got home, he appears to be mentally sick, displaying some kind of funny attitude, and seeing things that other couldn't see or sitting down alone every corner of our homes and verbally abusive. He was always physically abusive towards my father, for not helping him to found solution to the matters, which isn't true.

When the festive period comes, we're all carried away by his sickness, that we didn't even noticed, all we're after was his well-being. It took us about 3months before he could get better and Throughout this period of time, we hardly have time to eat, we barely slept. We are always looking for what to do next and how it would get better. So that we could have our happy family back again.

That was the worst Christmas season I ever had and this kind of situation is one thing I never wish for again in my family.

Thanks for reading my post.

All images are mine.

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