Three Elements in my life

For me, life is about responsibility and being useful to many people, especially the people I love around me, to be a responsible person and a useful person to many people, I must maintain these 3 elements of life within myself. I:

1. Work hard
This is the main element that I apply to myself, because by working hard I can definitely achieve whatever I want, especially to make the people I love around me always laugh happily thanks to the results of the hard work I give to them.

There is no reason for me not to work at this time, I am still 23 years old now, but I work harder than anyone at this time, in fact I only sleep 4 to 5 hours a day in order to fulfill my responsibilities to myself and also to people which I love, because without hard work and responsibility it feels like my life is pointless and I feel like I would rather die than be a burden to the people around me.

2. Consistent
After working hard, the next element that I have to apply in my life is Consistency, working hard without consistency is the same as lying. I always feel that if I have worked hard but I cannot be consistent with that hard work then I will feel like I am a loser, because the peak of success after working hard is being consistent.

For me, consistency has no limits, I want to consistently work hard smartly until I die because I want to give the best for my family.

3. Never give up
This is an element of life that has animated my character and life principles since I was a child. Actually, never giving up is the same as being naughty because I keep repeatedly trying things that have failed before.

However, I combine this attitude of never giving up by continuing to correct the mistakes I have made before and I continue to learn from bad experiences, so that when I start again I have enough experience to keep me from falling into the same pit.

And the most important thing is that I always apply the principle of not thinking about the results at the beginning when I start a job, the most important thing is that I must always do my best every day.

These are the 3 most important life elements for me for my participation in the #weekend-engagement contest organized by @galenkp, see you in the next post.

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