Beautiful high school days

High school was a very enjoyable time for me because during that time I went through many things full of happiness and also a lot of sadness of course, the happiness was because I could meet good friends and teachers and the sadness was because I was far from my parents because I His school is at an Islamic boarding school outside the city.

When I was in high school, I was in the category of students who weren't too flashy because I wasn't a student who was too smart, too stupid or too naughty, I was just an average student but I really liked hanging out with anyone which made me have lots of friends and we still friends to this day.

However, there is one moment and experience in high school that I still remember to this day, that moment was when I won first place in the inter-class quiz with 2 of my other friends because at that time we were divided into 3 people.

Actually, I was not a very smart student so I was chosen to represent the class to take part in a quiz competition which was very lively at that time, but my teacher saw me as a child who never gave up and was willing to take responsibility well when given a task. That's the reason why I was chosen to take part in the quiz.

Finally, by studying hard, I became the main key to winning the quiz at that time because I managed to answer the very risky competition questions in the quiz rules held at our school at that time, because if I managed to answer the competition questions correctly, then Our score will be added by one hundred points, and if I fail to answer the contested question then our score will immediately be reduced by one hundred points too.

Luckily, I was able to answer the question of contention thanks to my hard work when studying each lesson theme given by the committee. Through this success, I was finally considered a smart student by many of my friends and teachers.

After telling a little about my high school years above, it can be concluded that I passed my high school years with great happiness and I really enjoyed my high school years at that time.

This is my entry for the #weekend-engagement contest organized by @galenkp, see you in the next post.

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