Wekeend engagement topic #193: Do you have a controversial opinion on something?

Me, in Las Ventas - Madrid 2012

2023 City fair

Yes, yes I do: I am in favour of bullfighting. I know that for some people this art may seem a Dantesque technique, but here are my objective and subjective considerations why I am in favour of this practice still existing. But first of all, and the first thing I must point out is that we cannot look with the eyes of the XXI century and the internet and smartphones something that was devised in the XII century because nowadays with so many ways and means we would NEVER have thought of something like this, another thing that has also changed is that the way of seeing masculinity, back then being a bullfighter was a symbol of being brave and that provided a certain social status, as happened in ancient Rome with the gladiators.

Las Ventas - Madrid (2012)

Now, from an objective point of view, bullfighting represents a great source of income for the places where it is practised, as it is not only reduced to raising cattle, but the spectacle per se generates many sources of employment, both direct and indirect, from the bullfighters to the workers of the hotels where the bullfighting tourists stay, those who sell food, among other people. Likewise, and here I speak for my city, the city council generates an enormous amount of revenue from the spectacle tax, as these events are massive, and this income is reinvested in public works. From the point of view of the species, the fighting bulls without bullfighting would have become extinct centuries ago because from the point of view of cattle breeding there is no meat or dairy use for these bulls.

I have also discussed this subject with many friends and one who has a degree in public policy told me that keeping them legal is a better policy than banning them, because if the new generations did not agree with them, the number of people would go down and they would end by themselves, but that making them illegal would cause the interest to do what is forbidden. On the other hand I can affirm (I repeat at least with respect to my city) that these bulls are not mistreated or drugged at any moment of the process, on the contrary they are excessively cared for, at this point you may be wondering how I can attest to this and this is where my not so objective part of the matter begins, for many years my dad was part of the authorities that regulate and supervise the bullfights in my city, he even has a book about it. Also, the weaponry is designed to try to inflict the best amount of damage to the bull, also the adrenaline secreted by the bull helps to diminish it, I know this because I have been to colloquiums and congresses on bullfighting, dictated by veterinarians and experts in the field.

Dads book

2023 City Fair

In this sense, "going to bullfights" from a very young age has been something normal for me and in fact a family and bonding experience. Preparing the mocktails (dad doesn't drink alcohol because of his epilepsy) and the serrano ham sandwiches and other delicacies is part of the experience and I remember it fondly since basically forever.

I used to have strong discussions on the subject, but lately I have decided to stop the confrontation because people are not going to change their point of view, nor am I going to change mine. So no, there is no need for unnecessary polemics, I simply respect other people's ideas and opinions, just as I hope they do mine.

Me, being the most millenial person in Las Ventas - Madrid 2012

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