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Working afar from our family is the most challenging one. But for the sake of a better future for every family member, then a great sacrifice must be made.

Hello, there all the amazing bloggers in this fantastic community! How are you there? I hope you are in good health wherever you are right now. Today I am gonna share with you our simple Despedida party last Saturday evening for my husband is about to leave us again for work.

We didn't plan it actually, it just so happened when my husband saw my half-sister and brother visiting us this weekend in the house. The main reason why they visited us was that I sent a message to my half-sister to get the allotted money intended for the venue of my Mother's birthday. Since there is a need to book it ahead of time.

They both arrived on Saturday morning and brought some ornamental plants given by my mother to us. From there, my husband decided to let my mother with her husband, my aunt, uncle, grandmother, and my cousins come to our house for us to eat our dinner together. A sort of Thanksgiving party since my husband will go to work again with God's grace.



My husband is a very hardworking man. He was the one who did most of the household chores in the house. I was only in charge of washing the dishes and the rest of the chores were his tasks to do (Pampered Wife!). More so that I am pregnant now he wanted me to sit and relax (Yay!) I'm gonna miss this for sure.

In the morning, he repaired our dilapidated clothesline it's because the rust caused damage to the metal. He made everything clear in the house before he leaves (such a thoughtful husband). After repairing it, he immediately went to the market to buy some meat, fish, and shrimp for our viand in the evening with our loved ones.


In the evening, he grilled the meat he bought from the market there in the outside part of the house. It was timely that our neighbors were out of town because of the fiesta in the city. They attended there and celebrate it with their family as well.


My mother helped us with cooking, she was the one frying the fish in the pan. And after which she turned the fried fish into ESCABECHE- THE FILIPINO SWEET AND SOUR FISH which made the fish more so delicious to eat.


My stepfather was the one cooking the shrimp. He cooked it very yummy as well since he is a chef by passion. We were very thankful that they helped us with cooking so that we can eat on time during our dinner.



This was our simple but sumptuous dinner together with my family. I was a little bit late to take a photo of it. Since my cousin have already gotten their share. But it's ok what matters most is the thought of sharing and spending time with each other.


They are my bubbly cousins enjoying their dinner together. I am so happy that for the first time, they went inside our humble abode though it's not yet finished. Soon in God's time, this will be finished just slowly but surely.


The boys had their moment of drinking this whisky together bought by my husband in Canada during their stop over there. My husband is not a drunkard but occasionally he drinks like this time with them. I simply allowed them to do this since this will happen once in a blue moon and of course, I will not be the cause spoiling their moment.


While the rest was having fun eating the cooked peanut by my husband. My aunt and half-sister enjoyed drinking also the red wine we have in the fridge and since our grandmother wasn't here to celebrate with us they left a little portion of the wine for her because she loves this kind of wine.


Indeed, the evening was full of fun and happy memories. The laughs of everybody made our place so lively even just for that couple of hours. The deafening silence of our place turned into an ear-splitting one.

That's all for today's blog my dear fellow hivers! Thank you so much for your continuous support from the beginning until now. Words are not enough to say this but again and again thank you so much. Until next time, see you around. Stay safe and God bless.