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Hive blog 76: Yahweh El Elyon Charismatic Community Year End Party

Hello hiver friends? Have you gone to parties already? How was it? Or if not yet, Are you excited to come? Not interested?

Well, I was present at my first Christmas party this December, yes, first party because I still have another one at work.

I went to the YEECC Year End Party on Dec. 9, 2023. I was being an on and off on being active member of the community because there were times I could not attend our Stream Worship or prayer meetings due to work schedule. I was hesitant to go for we were still busy at the production this time. I thought I would need to ask for a half day leave. I was grateful that there was a holiday on the Friday, they switched it to the day of Saturday which was our party day. How blessed I was. I could attend the party without any concern.

We we arrived at the venue early since we were picked up by batches. Our party place looks neat with perfectly manicured bermuda grass. The giant sambag tree at the center of the open space makes a nice shade on the afternoon sun.


The crew were busy preparing the lights and sounds while the other were setting the tables. They looked like they knew what their doing so we were there just waited for others to come. We catched up and talked and laughed. I missed most of my friends. I was glad to see and got to talk with them again. It was ended a needed refreshments for me from work.


It was easy for me to feel at ease being with these people because they are welcoming. To know them as I embark a new chapter of life this year at this Island City life was one of the greatest thing I have ever done. I looked and I found. God pointed me to this direction. The community that helps me got back to be out there to live with a purpose than what I already knew. There is more to learn and unlearn and even to discover what it is in me that could benefit this community someday. For now, being present, being true, is what that matter most.


We found our sit at the corner of the garden. Funny, it was near the stage and the back was the foods. How lucky 🤣 we were?


The party started when it was already dark . People were coming Pilipino time, what do you expect? 😆 But 30 minutes to an hour late is just acceptable to us right? Agree or disagree. I was not bother at all since we knew that it is what it is.

We had and opening prayer, the worship and the gospel. The theme shared by our preacher that night was being grateful of all the days that was. Even in the times of hardships, still we pray, being thankful as always. Strong in faith that everything will be alright at the right time.


Brother Jess had his opening and a year end remarks. Followed by the the kids singing, and the ten's dancing. It was really fun.


The dogs at the party even having a social life was a highlight 🤣. Looked like they enjoyed too.

Finally, there were the games. Games and the dinner together. We ate, they play. While we were eating, we were watching the games.



That was indeed a feast. The lechon was tasty. Lots of foods shared. There was rain after that dinner and since it was an open ground, we had to shield at the tent, some on their umbrellas. Good thing it was not that heavy so the games and raffle could push through. They raffled tickets for a heater, rice cooker, more on 500 peso bill, and the last one was the flat screen Smart Tv.

I didn't win any of them 😂.

It was okay, not my time. Being there was still a win.

The party ends. It was a happy Celebration. Merry Christmas.

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Clips for keeps:

Images are mine taken with Vivo 1901.

About me.

She a Virgo who believes God is the author of everything and all is about grace, writing about her point of view on life. Trying her best to bloom where she is planted. Hoping the best for everyone.