A letter to my inner self💌💖 | •Week146 ¡Weekend Experiences!

Hi Friends💗

Some time ago, I used to write lines about things I felt and didn't say and even more with little things I would like to have heard, this mostly in my pregnancy stage. That's why @galenkp's proposal for this weekend, fell like a ring to my finger, maybe to resume or simply to leave captured here, what my inner self needs to hear💌

Although most of the time you know that the comments of third parties do not affect you, in many others you know that they do, that is why you must remember that everything has its due time and its due moment, otherwise we would always live in a hurry, wouldn't we? Do not let those negative comments influence you, transform them in your own way into something positive. Do not forget to tell yourself how beautiful you are when you are in front of the mirror, even if you just woke up and have those hairs so exploded with similarity to the first rays of the sun, because it is one more day in which you were allowed to live and see a new dawn, and that is a gain for everything you have ahead and what is left to live.

Set goals, short, medium and long term, because I know you will achieve them and then you will smile saying I knew you could!

You are a good person, strong and capable, you give everything without needing to receive something in return, you give your love and your commitment, you give your loyalty, even knowing that not everyone would do it, but that's how you are and that makes you special. Go at your own pace, do not despair, but do not stop either, those days of discouragement will pass, everything is in the attitude and in the effort you put, be patient and let everything flow, and you will see how those great changes begin to happen.

It is true that life is only one, so enjoy, enjoy every process, everything in life has a purpose and you are not far away from knowing yours... Be happy above all things and smile to life💗

Thanks for reading my post, see you soon💗!

Photographs of my authority
Editing in Canva and Picstar
Translations in Deepl.com

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