Weekend-Engagement 174: A Weekend Filled with Gardening Delights: Transplanting Cocoa, Pest Control, and Bountiful Crops

For those of us who love gardening we preferred turn our outdoor space into abundant oases full of vegetables, fruits, herbs or flowers. To me having a garden is unparalleled joy that one have to enjoys fresh plants not buying everything all the time, but only for those who love gardening and can put in the work.

The last weekend, I had some work in our garden which I'm even think to post it here on HIVE but because I was busy during the week I wasn't able to do that. So this morning I came across this prompt set by @galenkp in WEEKEND-EXPERIENCES community to write about our garden and I see it as opportunity to jumped into the page.

Write about your weekend gardening projects, past, present or what you want to do in the future. Garden beds, potted or balcony gardens...basically any situation in which you're personally growing and tending plants. Remember, you must use your own photos.

I love gardening, so today I will share my garden project, and discuss my enthralling weekend full of gardening activities, such as cocoa transplanting, pest control in my vegetable farm, luxurious harvest of corn in the last weekend.

Transplanting Cocoa

Some weeks ago one of our neighbors give a seed of cocoa to my mom for planting. Firstly I planted the cocoa seed in a nylon sachet for three weeks and when I see it's time to give it a permanent planting, I picked it up into my garden. Cocoa seed transplanting is one of the most fascinating gardening projects because I have to make sure I plant it in appropriate place and where the soil is rich in fertile. Also makes sure it properly spaced and sunk into the ready holes to promote healthy growth.

Pest Control: Safeguarding Vegetable

I noticed the plant crops are damaged by pest, so I always make sure I went an extra mile during the weekend by inspecting on every inch of my crops looking for anything that resembled the sign of a pest. So I found those set of pest damaging my crops.

The maize in the garden grew lushly with hard work done every weekend in the garden.

The okra plant, sporting a splendor array of green pods and it will be nice to present such freshly fruits for dishes when it's time of harvest

Chilli pepper are on the way to get reap, don't worry I will share part of it to those who reading this post lol. Infact I have different crop in my garden that was planted during the rainy season.

Indeed I did a lot of work every weekend to make sure they all grow healthy, and all my efforts is because I love gardening. It’s always a nice break for me. Every activities, from weeding to controlling pests in abundance harvest of plants. Thus, whatever is the size of your garden, make use of them wisely.

Thank For Your Support, Have a nice weekend

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