A sisterly hobby

Perhaps my childhood was not the happiest in the world, nor the one everyone dreams of, even so I enjoyed it enormously, so there are many things I remember fondly, most of them courtesy of my fabulous pair of sisters, thanks to them, I established the habit of reading, my taste for series and films was born, but without a doubt one of the activities I most enjoyed sharing with them were those moments when we would sit in front of a board and then the Hunger Games would begin.

Of course, this wasn't literal (in fact, the Hunger Games didn't even exist back then), I'm simply talking about board games. Honestly, I don't remember where the idea to start playing them came from, but it was something we loved to do, and we could spend hours getting stuck into a game of Clue or making up words in Scrabble. Board games always accompanied our gatherings and celebrations, becoming something that brought us closer together and that we still share with each of our families today.

The three of us shared unforgettable moments in front of those cards and counters. Although my age was a disadvantage at first, as they were several years older than me (9 and 8 years), I eventually caught up and learned the necessary strategies to compete with my older sisters. It was a very rewarding experience, because it showed me that I could compete and be part of the group, even though I was the youngest. Eventually, the experience led me on the path to victory, of course not all the time, but at least I can say that I gave them fair competition, especially in Scrabble, which ended up becoming my favourite.

This is how board games became a very special memory for me, something that inevitably reminds me of my childhood and that unites me with my sisters, even though the three of us are thousands of miles apart. Through those games we shared, we created stories, laughter and moments that became precious memories that help us stay together despite the distance. Now in my adulthood I still enjoy them and of course I have the two who remind me most of those special moments I had with them.

Board games have become more than just an activity for me, they are an important part of my family history and bear witness to our connection as sisters. Through them, we have learned the importance of keeping our relationships close and treasuring the special moments we share together. That is why I have made my own collection of board games (in fact, each of us has our own collection) I feel they are a way of keeping our sisterly connection alive, even though we are physically separated by distance.

This has been my participation for the #weekend-engagement: WEEK 141, on the theme "Childhood".

Happy weekend to all of you.

Thank you very much for reading, see you in the comments

Pictures taken by me and my sisters - Cover and banner edited in Canva - Cartoons made in bitmoji.

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