Crime Scene Investigator

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I remember that every Sunday I looked forward to the time of the night when they broadcast a new episode of CSI, for me it was very exciting to see in each chapter, to see how they searched for clues and each process they followed to discover the culprits.

So without a doubt, if I could choose a profession it would be Crime Scene Investigator, for those who do not know, I am a lawyer, I believe it is vital to defend the rights of the innocent, so as you can imagine I do not want or could not defend or support someone who hurts another with premeditation and malice aforethought and much less to an animal, because the latter do not have a voice to say what they feel or who was who assaulted them.

Thinking about all this and knowing my personality and character, being a crime scene investigator and with the presumption that in that world or hypothetical case I would have all the toys (tools) to perform my work, I would be happy because I could examine the evidence, the details, every little thing, to get to the bottom of something that something that of a detail to put someone behind bars or maybe get him out and then continue with the due process.



Now, why I would like to be a crime scene investigator, as a lawyer, I know that a process in which you know you have in front of you a guilty person can go down the drain by the late and inadequate handling of evidence, so I would try to do everything ethically and correctly to avoid that a guilty person avoids prison or that an innocent person goes to prison.

I have seen many cases in my country in which the guilty for having money, influence and because of problems with the evidence manage to go free, as well as I have seen people with few economic resources that go to jail for lack of money, influence and because some corrupt police planted drugs or because there is no speed in the processes.

Being a serious crime scene investigator from my perspective could help to change this panorama, obviously as I mentioned before, if you have all the equipment, only the determination and desire to do it would not be enough, if you do not have the tools that allow you to carry out your work.

Finally, being a crime scene investigator, I presume, must be an interesting and challenging task, which leads you to use your intellect and creativity in the search for evidence, therefore and for all of the above has been my choice of profession for this Weekend Engagement #170


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Original content created by @actioncats for HIVE/ ©Copyright 2023 Cristina Turmero Nuitter


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