Hello, lovely people of our community. It’s yet another weekend to rest and enjoy writing our weekend prompts. I must say this weekend is dubbed with great topics and I don’t even know which to go for. But all the same, I have to make a choice. My choice will be guided by what can make a big difference in the world as in the mental health of humans. I am going for a solution I would have given to unemployment and why that.

The state of rejection is what goes a long way to hit depression, depression as many will find ways and means to tell us this is how to solve it, I think there isn’t any known way we can solve it. the best way of preventing it is just staying to never let it reach you. I am a graduate of the university and I am using myself as a perfect example of this case.

After I completed, we had the national service scheme in Gahan where we all go to serve the country for one year. Before we were posted to where we would e doing it, it seemed every day was just the same day without anything. Nothing on the plate and no money to even do things you wished you could do. As days passed, the mind wasn’t taking it easy because how can one just do school and complete it without any job to work on? that was the mindset. Depression was setting in bit by me until we were posted. This then made me realize how it would be for someone who completed university for about two to three years without employment. How would that person be feeling mentally? It is a great choice.

Going in to solve unemployment goes beyond normal social reasons. Mine is for the love of humanity. There should be something man must do to have a bit of happiness in his or her heart. When there is at least something small to always wake up to and call a job that keeps you busy for the week, then humanity will be appreciated because that person will find a bit of happiness somewhere. This will go a long way to keep us healthy mentally.

I don’t feel content seeing myself being useless. Staying without a job or having to face life difficulties because of unemployment hurts the most. It seems the investment into education you did to come and make the world a better place wasn’t an ideal choice. The knowledge that you know will make a great impact on humanity but you never seem to get an opportunity to show the world how it can be. Imagine this pain. And that is one of the whys I will choose to s solution for unemployment any day.

I believe in talent and hard work. when I have the competency. Let me give my best. Allow me to make the world a better place. It’s better if it gives out. That is where most of us find peace. Let’s solve unemployment. Most of us are dying slowly because of depression.

This is the prompt I choose today. I hope you loved it. let’s keep getting interactive in the comment section. Have a great day.

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