Is it now the time to make reparations?..... IQ.L.M , and cultural appropriation.

Cultural appropriation is one of the latest mentally ill fads targets, to try and create some kind of division, where non existed before.
Admittedly, you do need to have an IQ lower than whale shit at ebb tide, for it to make any sense whatsoever, but in the name of supporting the cerebrally vacant, I've put a quick list together, to help them...(and they do need all the help they can get, to be fair).

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It's long overdue, and will help to reallocate resources to those that can use them the best.

Here's my initial 'top 3' list...

1/The wheel.
It has been culturally appropriated by various people's in the further reaches of sub Sahara Africa.
It's time to be remunerated by those who not only took it upon themselves to utilize the technology given to them by others - but have profited from it.
I say $1 for every wheel used, since the 17th century.
(obviously this will include any wheel mechanism's, such as pulleys, etc)

2/ Trousers.
Trousers have been culturally appropriated by many cultures, switching from traditional skirt like garb to the more practical two legged affair.
(20 cents per pair of trousers seems fair).

3/ Electricity.
Introduced to many places around the world by first world civilizations, and then culturally appropriated by many groups without a word of thanks.
10 cents per amperage of electricity used, should just about cover it.

It's time for justice!!!!

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** If you feel that you might like to join the IQ Lives Matter campaign,
Please read the guide below to see if you might qualify.

1/ You think Karl Marx was clever.
2/ You think Keynesian economics is a clever economic system.
3/ You think that 2+2 can have different mathematical outcomes.
4/ You think DPOS is a non oligarchical system.
5/ You think humor is weird, and don't understand 'what the all the fuss is all about', with this laughing malarkey.

If you think any of the above statement have any credibility, you will not be eligible to join IQ Lives Matter.

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If you do not think any of the above statement have any credibility whatsoever, please apply.
Gingers not welcome.
(Discrimination is a real thing and exercised daily, by everyone, even those with low IQ's. )

It's time to take our brain cells back!

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